
Discussion commencée , avec un commentaire.
  1. Isaak59 Traducteur en français ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    Can you show us an example value of this inspect variable ?
    This would allow us to determine whether %{inspect} should be placed at the beguinning or at the end of the sentence.

  2. Looks like this is a legacy translation that's no longer in use. We still need to cleanup those, just don't bother about it for now.


  1. didn't work %{inspect}
    didn't work %{inspect}

    didn't work %{inspect}

    modifié par Jonne Haß .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  2. didn't work %{inspect}
    didn't work %{inspect}

    didn't work %{inspect}

    modifié par Jonne Haß .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  3. Didn’t work %{inspect}
    Didn’t work %{inspect}

    Didnt work %{inspect}

    modifié via l’API .
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