08 jan. de 03:40 to 04:08
Theatrex changed 59 translations in English (Pirate) on Diaspora. Hide changes
  2. %{resharer}'s reshare of matey %{author}'s post
    %{resharer}'s reshare of matey %{author}'s post
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Aboard as %{nickname}.
    Aboard as %{nickname}.
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Edit ye services
    Edit ye services
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Ye authentication be successful.
    Ye authentication be successful.
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Ye authentication failed.
    Ye authentication failed.
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Aye, let's see what the matey's gotta say! #Yahar
    Aye, let's see what the matey's gotta say! #Yahar
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Ahoy there matey's! I be #%{new_user_tag}.
    Ahoy there matey's! I be #%{new_user_tag}. 
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  1. Ye authentication failed.
    Ye authentication failed.
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Blow me down! Ye authentication failed.
    Blow me down! Ye authentication failed.
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Thanks for invite matey,
    Thanks for invite matey, 
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  2. Ye invites
    Ye invites
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  2. Invite ye mateys
    Invite ye mateys
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Invite mateys by message
    Invite mateys by message
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Control ye crew
    Control ye crew
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Set up ye connected services
    Set up ye connected services
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Shar
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Manage ye connected services
    Manage ye connected services
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Ye atom feed
    Ye atom feed
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Via %{link}
    Via %{link}
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Follow %{tag}
    Follow %{tag}
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Avast ye! Ye empty tag doesnt exist!
    Avast ye! Ye empty tag doesnt exist!
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Sea spotlight
    Sea spotlight
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. @Mentions
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. #Followed tags
    #Followed tags
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Ye commented posts
    Ye commented posts
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Like stream
    Like stream
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  2. #Followed tags
    #Followed tags
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Add a tag matey
    Add a tag matey
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Follow
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Ye posts tagged: %{tags}
    Ye posts tagged: %{tags}
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Sea activity
    Sea activity
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Export ye booty
    Export ye booty
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Scuttle ye account
    Scuttle ye account
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Change ye language
    Change ye language
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Change ye secret
    Change ye secret
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Change ye email
    Change ye email
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  1. Scuttle ye account
    Scuttle ye account
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Scuttle ye ship
    Scuttle ye ship
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Edit ye ship
    Edit ye ship
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Receive messages in a bottle when ye:
    Receive messages in a bottle when ye:
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. A matey comments on a post ye have commented on
    A matey comments on a post ye have commented on
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. A matey comments on ye post
    A matey comments on ye post
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. A matey reshares ye post
    A matey reshares ye post
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Change
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Avast ye! We have sent ye an activation link to %{unconfirmed_email}. Until ye follow this link and activate the new address, we will continue to use ye previous address %{email} matey.
    Avast ye! We have sent ye an activation link to %{unconfirmed_email}. Until ye follow this link and activate the new address, we will continue to use ye previous address %{email} matey.
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Show "Bucko" hints
    Show "Bucko" hints
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Sharin' settins'
    Sharin' settins'
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Aspect for mateys ye auto share with:
    Aspect for mateys ye auto share with:
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  2. Ye will be walking the plank and ye will be drowning in the sea until ye account visits Davey Jones' locker. Yahar!
    Ye will be walking the plank and ye will be drowning in the sea until ye account visits Davey Jones' locker. Yahar!
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Ye username will be locked. Ye will not be able to join this ship with the same identity.
    Ye username will be locked. Ye will not be able to join this ship with the same identity.
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  2. There be no turning back matey! Dead men tell no tales. If ye really be sure, enter ye secret below.
    There be no turning back matey! Dead men tell no tales. If ye really be sure, enter ye secret below.
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  2. Aye, ye account has been locked! We give ye about 20 minutes until ye be finished. Tell Davey Jones we say hello matey! Thanks for coming aboard matey!
    Aye, ye account has been locked! We give ye about 20 minutes until ye be finished. Tell Davey Jones we say hello matey! Thanks for coming aboard matey!
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Enter ye current secret to abandon ship.
    Enter ye current secret to abandon ship.
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. What ye entered didnt match ye current secret.
    What ye entered didnt match ye current secret.
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  2. diaspora*'s crew be happy to have ye aboard matey! ARGH!
    diaspora*'s crew be happy to have ye aboard matey! ARGH!
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Yo ho ho! Take me to diaspora*
    Yo ho ho! Take me to diaspora*
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Hashtags allow ye to talk about and follow ye interests. They be a great way to find new mateys on diaspora*.
    Hashtags allow ye to talk about and follow ye interests.  They be a great way to find new mateys on diaspora*.
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Secret changed. Ye can now come aboard with ye new secret.
    Secret changed.  Ye can now come aboard with ye new secret.
    modifié par Theatrex .
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  2. Blimey! Secret change failed!
    Blimey! Secret change failed!
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  2. Language changed
    Language changed
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  2. Email %{email} be activated
    Email %{email} be activated
    modifié par Theatrex .
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08 jan. de 03:40 to 04:08