- account translated to konto: Voted up.
- application translated to aplikacja: Voted up.
- aspect translated to aspekt: Voted up.
- browse translated to przeglądać: Voted up.
- browser translated to przeglądarka: Voted up.
- cancel translated to anuluj: Voted up.
- check out translated to zapoznać się (z czymś): Voted up.
- Code translated to kod: Voted up.
- Delete translated to usuwać: Voted up.
- Stream translated to Strumień: Voted up.
- Privacy Policy translated to Polityka prywatności: Voted up.
- publisher, n translated to edytor: Voted up.
- failed to... translated to nie udało się…: Voted up.
- hide translated to ukryj: Voted up.
- hover translated to najedź: Voted up.
- interface translated to interfejs: Voted up.
- invitation translated to zaproszenie: Voted up.
- learn more translated to dowiedz się więcej: Voted up.
- instructions translated to instrukcje: Voted up.
- profile icon translated to ikona profilu: Voted up.
- reaction translated to reakcja: Voted up.
- recent, adj translated to ostatni(e): Voted up.
- Rename translated to Zmień nazwę: Voted up.
- report, n translated to zgłoszenie: Voted up.
- Show translated to Pokaż: Voted up.
- Sign in translated to Zaloguj: Voted up.
- Sign out translated to Wyloguj: Voted up.
- Sign up translated to Zarejestruj (się): Voted up.
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