Help turn on proofread right

Discussion commencée , avec 3 commentaires.
  1. Hồ Nhất Duy Traducteur en vietnamien ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    Hello Diaspora Team!

    I'm Duy. I'm starting to help translate Diaspora to Vietnamese today. However, I saw some proofread translations were wrong in Vietnamese but I can't edit because I don't have proofread right. Could Diaspora Team turn on it for my account? I translated some others like Mastodon, PeerTube and I believe I can give a hand with Diaspora.

    Thank you!

  2. You have now proofread permissions.

  3. Hồ Nhất Duy Traducteur en vietnamien ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    Thank you for fast support!

  4. Hồ Nhất Duy Traducteur en vietnamien ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    I completed Vietnamese 100%. Hope this willl merge into next release.