Ahoy matey! Ye have been invited aboard to join diaspora* by matey %{diaspora_id}! Click this link to start boarding! [%{invite_url}][1] Or ye can add %{diaspora_id} to ye crew if ye already are aboard. Savvy? Cheers matey! The diaspora* email pirate! P.S.: Just in case ye dont know (yet) what diaspora* is, [here][2] be the answer! [1]: %{invite_url} [2]: %{diasporafoundation_url}
Ahoy matey!
Ye have been invited aboard to join diaspora* by matey %{diaspora_id}!
Click this link to start boarding!
Or ye can add %{diaspora_id} to ye crew if ye already are aboard.
Savvy? Cheers matey!
The diaspora* email pirate!
P.S.: Just in case ye dont know (yet) what diaspora* is, [here][2] be the answer!
[1]: %{invite_url}
[2]: %{diasporafoundation_url}Halló!
Þér hefur verið boðið að vera með á Diaspora* af %{diaspora_id}!
Smelltu á þennan tengil til að hefjast handa
Eða að þú getur bætt %{diaspora_id} í tengiliðasafn þitt, ef þú ert þegar með aðgang.
Bestu kveðjur,
Diaspora* póst-róbótinn!
P.S.: Ef svo vill til að þú vitir ekki (ennþá) hvað diaspora* sé, þá er svarið hér [2] !
[1]: %{invite_url}
[2]: %{diasporafoundation_url} -
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Keep %{pod} sailing swift and buy the ships some new sails with a monthly gold donation! Argh!
Keep %{pod} sailing swift and buy the ships some new sails with a monthly gold donation! Argh!
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