This be yer sea. Make yerself acquainted ye bucko.
This be yer sea. Make yerself acquainted ye bucko.
Yer main stream is populated with all of yer contacts, tags ye follow, and posts from some creative members of the community.
Yer main stream is populated with all of yer contacts, tags ye follow, and posts from some creative members of the community.
Mateys only sharin' with me
Mateys only sharin' with me
This letter was sent by %{pod_name}. If ye'd like to stop gettin' letters like this,
This letter was sent by %{pod_name}. If ye'd like to stop gettin' letters like this,
t' change yer notification settin's
t' change yer notification settin's
Yer diaspora* cap'n
Yer diaspora* cap'n
has start'd sharin' with ye!
has start'd sharin' with ye!
Reply or see %{name}'s post >
Reply or see %{name}'s post >
Reply 't or read this conversation >
Reply 't or read this conversation >
Lookin' fer posts tagged %{tag_link}?
Lookin' fer posts tagged %{tag_link}?
%{name} has not shared any posts with ye yet!
%{name} has not shared any posts with ye yet!
Ye old post deleted by it's cap'n.
Ye old post deleted by it's cap'n.
%{resharer}'s reshare of matey %{author}'s post
%{resharer}'s reshare of matey %{author}'s post
A matey named %{diaspora_id} already authorized that %{service_name} record. ARR!
A matey named %{diaspora_id} already authorized that %{service_name} record. ARR!
Authentication has walked the plank!
Authentication has walked the plank!
Alright mate, ye wont see that scallywag in yer sea again. #walkedtheplank!
Alright mate, ye wont see that scallywag in yer sea again. #walkedtheplank!
Could not send'em to the brig!
Could not send'em to the brig!
Aye, let's see what the matey's gotta say! #Yahar
Aye, let's see what the matey's gotta say! #Yahar
Couldnt stop ignorin' that scallywag.
Couldnt stop ignorin' that scallywag.
Control ye crew
Control ye crew