

  1. Hello, Due to inactivity on your diaspora* account at %{pod_url}, we regret to inform you that the system has flagged this account for automated removal. This happens automatically after an inactivity period of more than %{after_days} days. You can avoid the loss of this account by logging into the account before %{remove_after}, in which case removal will be automatically cancelled. This maintenance is done to ensure our active users get the most out of the resources of this diaspora* instance. Thank you for your understanding. If you would like to keep your account, please login here: %{login_url} Hoping to see you again, The diaspora* email robot!
    Hello, Due to inactivity on your diaspora* account at %{pod_url}, we regret to inform you that the system has flagged this account for automated removal. This happens automatically after an inactivity period of more than %{after_days} days. You can avoid the loss of this account by logging into the account before %{remove_after}, in which case removal will be automatically cancelled. This maintenance is done to ensure our active users get the most out of the resources of this diaspora* instance. Thank you for your understanding. If you would like to keep your account, please login here: %{login_url} Hoping to see you again, The diaspora* email robot!

    Due to inactivity on your diaspora* account at %{pod_url}, we regret to inform you that the system has flagged this account for automated removal. This happens automatically after an inactivity period of more than %{after_days} days. 
    You can avoid the loss of this account by logging into the account before %{remove_after}, in which case removal will be automatically cancelled. 
    This maintenance is done to ensure our active users get the most out of the resources of this diaspora* instance. Thank you for your understanding. 
    If you would like to keep your account, please login here: %{login_url} 
    Hoping to see you again, 
    The diaspora* email robot!

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. Hello, Due to inactivity on your diaspora* account at %{pod_url}, we regret to inform you that the system has flagged this account for automated removal. This happens automatically after an inactivity period of more than %{after_days} days. You can avoid the loss of this account by logging into the account before %{remove_after}, in which case removal will be automatically cancelled. This maintenance is done to ensure our active users get the most out of the resources of this diaspora* instance. Thank you for your understanding. If you would like to keep your account, please login here: %{login_url} Hoping to see you again, The diaspora* email robot!
    Hello, Due to inactivity on your diaspora* account at %{pod_url}, we regret to inform you that the system has flagged this account for automated removal. This happens automatically after an inactivity period of more than %{after_days} days. You can avoid the loss of this account by logging into the account before %{remove_after}, in which case removal will be automatically cancelled. This maintenance is done to ensure our active users get the most out of the resources of this diaspora* instance. Thank you for your understanding. If you would like to keep your account, please login here: %{login_url} Hoping to see you again, The diaspora* email robot!

    Due to inactivity on your diaspora* account at %{pod_url}, we regret to inform you that the system has flagged this account for automated removal. This happens automatically after an inactivity period of more than %{after_days} days. 
    You can avoid the loss of this account by logging into the account before %{remove_after}, in which case removal will be automatically cancelled. 
    This maintenance is done to ensure our active users get the most out of the resources of this diaspora* instance. Thank you for your understanding. 
    If you would like to keep your account, please login here: %{login_url} 
    Hoping to see you again, 
    The diaspora* email robot!

    modifié par Jonne Haß .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  3. Hello, It looks as though you no longer want your account at %{pod_url}, as you haven't used it for %{after_days} days. To ensure our active users get the best performance from this diaspora* pod, we'd like to remove unwanted accounts from our database. We'd love you to stay part of diaspora*'s community, and you're welcome to keep your account live if you want to. If you want to keep your account live, all you need to do is to sign in to your account before %{remove_after}. When you sign in, take a moment to have a look around diaspora*. It has changed a lot since you last looked in, and we think you'll like the improvements we've made. Follow some #tags to find content you love. Sign in here: %{login_url}. If you've forgotten your sign-in details, you can ask for a reminder on that page. Hoping to see you again, The diaspora* email robot!
    Hello, It looks as though you no longer want your account at %{pod_url}, as you haven't used it for %{after_days} days. To ensure our active users get the best performance from this diaspora* pod, we'd like to remove unwanted accounts from our database. We'd love you to stay part of diaspora*'s community, and you're welcome to keep your account live if you want to. If you want to keep your account live, all you need to do is to sign in to your account before %{remove_after}. When you sign in, take a moment to have a look around diaspora*. It has changed a lot since you last looked in, and we think you'll like the improvements we've made. Follow some #tags to find content you love. Sign in here: %{login_url}. If you've forgotten your sign-in details, you can ask for a reminder on that page. Hoping to see you again, The diaspora* email robot!

    It looks as though you no longer want your account at %{pod_url}, as you haven't used it for %{after_days} days. To ensure our active users get the best performance from this diaspora* pod, we'd like to remove unwanted accounts from our database. 
    We'd love you to stay part of diaspora*'s community, and you're welcome to keep your account live if you want to. 
    If you want to keep your account live, all you need to do is to sign in to your account before %{remove_after}. When you sign in, take a moment to have a look around diaspora*. It has changed a lot since you last looked in, and we think you'll like the improvements we've made. Follow some #tags to find content you love. 
    Sign in here: %{login_url}. If you've forgotten your sign-in details, you can ask for a reminder on that page. 
    Hoping to see you again, 
    The diaspora* email robot!

    modifié via l’API .
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  4. Hello, It looks as though you no longer want your account at %{pod_url}, as you haven’t used it for %{after_days} days. To ensure our active users get the best performance from this diaspora* pod, we’d like to remove unwanted accounts from our database. We’d love you to stay part of diaspora*’s community, and you’re welcome to keep your account live if you want to. If you want to keep your account live, all you need to do is to sign in to your account before %{remove_after}. When you sign in, take a moment to have a look around diaspora*. It has changed a lot since you last looked in, and we think you’ll like the improvements we’ve made. Follow some #tags to find content you love. Sign in here: %{login_url}. If you’ve forgotten your sign-in details, you can ask for a reminder on that page. Hoping to see you again, The diaspora* email robot!
    Hello, It looks as though you no longer want your account at %{pod_url}, as you haven’t used it for %{after_days} days. To ensure our active users get the best performance from this diaspora* pod, we’d like to remove unwanted accounts from our database. We’d love you to stay part of diaspora*’s community, and you’re welcome to keep your account live if you want to. If you want to keep your account live, all you need to do is to sign in to your account before %{remove_after}. When you sign in, take a moment to have a look around diaspora*. It has changed a lot since you last looked in, and we think you’ll like the improvements we’ve made. Follow some #tags to find content you love. Sign in here: %{login_url}. If you’ve forgotten your sign-in details, you can ask for a reminder on that page. Hoping to see you again, The diaspora* email robot!

    It looks as though you no longer want your account at %{pod_url}, as you havent used it for %{after_days} days. To ensure our active users get the best performance from this diaspora* pod, wed like to remove unwanted accounts from our database. 
    Wed love you to stay part of diaspora*’s community, and youre welcome to keep your account live if you want to. 
    If you want to keep your account live, all you need to do is to sign in to your account before %{remove_after}. When you sign in, take a moment to have a look around diaspora*. It has changed a lot since you last looked in, and we think youll like the improvements weve made. Follow some #tags to find content you love. 
    Sign in here: %{login_url}. If youve forgotten your sign-in details, you can ask for a reminder on that page. 
    Hoping to see you again, 
    The diaspora* email robot!

    modifié via l’API .
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  5. Hello, It looks as though you no longer want your account at %{pod_url}, as you haven’t used it for %{after_days} days. To ensure our active users get the best performance from this diaspora* pod, we’d like to remove unwanted accounts from our database. We’d love you to stay part of diaspora*’s community, and you’re welcome to keep your account live if you want to. If you want to keep your account live, all you need to do is to sign in to your account before %{remove_after}. When you sign in, take a moment to have a look around diaspora*. It has changed a lot since you last looked in, and we think you’ll like the improvements we’ve made. Follow some #tags to find content you love. Sign in here: %{login_url}. If you’ve forgotten your sign-in details, you can ask for a reminder on that page. Hoping to see you again, The diaspora* email robot!
    Hello, It looks as though you no longer want your account at %{pod_url}, as you haven’t used it for %{after_days} days. To ensure our active users get the best performance from this diaspora* pod, we’d like to remove unwanted accounts from our database. We’d love you to stay part of diaspora*’s community, and you’re welcome to keep your account live if you want to. If you want to keep your account live, all you need to do is to sign in to your account before %{remove_after}. When you sign in, take a moment to have a look around diaspora*. It has changed a lot since you last looked in, and we think you’ll like the improvements we’ve made. Follow some #tags to find content you love. Sign in here: %{login_url}. If you’ve forgotten your sign-in details, you can ask for a reminder on that page. Hoping to see you again, The diaspora* email robot!

    It looks as though you no longer want your account at %{pod_url}, as you havent used it for %{after_days} days. To ensure our active users get the best performance from this diaspora* pod, wed like to remove unwanted accounts from our database. 
    Wed love you to stay part of diaspora*’s community, and youre welcome to keep your account live if you want to. 
    If you want to keep your account live, all you need to do is to sign in to your account before %{remove_after}. When you sign in, take a moment to have a look around diaspora*. It has changed a lot since you last looked in, and we think youll like the improvements weve made. Follow some #tags to find content you love. 
    Sign in here: %{login_url}. If youve forgotten your sign-in details, you can ask for a reminder on that page. 
    Hoping to see you again, 
    The diaspora* email robot!

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  6. Hallo, da du dein Konto unter %{pod_url} seit %{after_days} nicht mehr benutzt hast, sieht es so aus, als ob du es nicht mehr möchtest. Um unseren aktiven Kühen auf diesem Bauernhof die bestmögliche Leistung zu bieten, würden wir inaktive Kühe gerne aus unserer Datenbank entfernen. Es würde uns sehr gefallen, wenn du ein Teil der diaspora*-Gemeinschaft bleibst, und wenn du möchtest kannst du dein Konto behalten. Wenn du dein Konto behalten möchtest, musst du dich nur vor %{remove_after} anmelden. Wenn du dich angemeldet hast, nimm dir einen Augenblick Zeit, um dich auf diaspora* umzusehen. Es hat sich seit deinem letzten Besuch stark verändert und wir glauben, dass dir die Verbesserungen, die wir vorgenommen haben, gefallen werden. Folge einigen #Tags, um Inhalte zu finden, die dir gefallen. Melde dich hier an: %{login_url}. Falls du deine Zugangsdaten vergessen hast, kannst du dir auf der Seite eine Erinnerung zuschicken lassen. In Hoffnung dich wiederzusehen, Der diaspora* E-Mail-Roboter!
    da du dein Konto unter %{pod_url} seit %{after_days} nicht mehr benutzt hast, sieht es so aus, als ob du es nicht mehr möchtest. Um unseren aktiven Kühen auf diesem Bauernhof die bestmögliche Leistung zu bieten, würden wir inaktive Kühe gerne aus unserer Datenbank entfernen. 
    Es würde uns sehr gefallen, wenn du ein Teil der diaspora*-Gemeinschaft bleibst, und wenn du möchtest kannst du dein Konto behalten. 
    Wenn du dein Konto behalten möchtest, musst du dich nur vor %{remove_after} anmelden. Wenn du dich angemeldet hast, nimm dir einen Augenblick Zeit, um dich auf diaspora* umzusehen. Es hat sich seit deinem letzten Besuch stark verändert und wir glauben, dass dir die Verbesserungen, die wir vorgenommen haben, gefallen werden. Folge einigen #Tags, um Inhalte zu finden, die dir gefallen. 
    Melde dich hier an: %{login_url}. Falls du deine Zugangsdaten vergessen hast, kannst du dir auf der Seite eine Erinnerung zuschicken lassen. 
    In Hoffnung dich wiederzusehen, 
    Der diaspora* E-Mail-Roboter!
    modifié par Waithamai .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  7. Hallo, da du dein Konto unter %{pod_url} seit %{after_days} nicht mehr benutzt hast, sieht es so aus, als ob du es nicht mehr möchtest. Um unseren aktiven Kühen auf diesem Bauernhof die bestmögliche Leistung zu bieten, würden wir inaktive Kühe gerne aus unserer Datenbank entfernen. Es würde uns sehr gefallen, wenn du ein Teil der diaspora*-Gemeinschaft bleibst, und wenn du möchtest kannst du dein Konto behalten. Wenn du dein Konto behalten möchtest, musst du dich nur vor %{remove_after} anmelden. Wenn du dich angemeldet hast, nimm dir einen Augenblick Zeit, um dich auf diaspora* umzusehen. Es hat sich seit deinem letzten Besuch stark verändert und wir glauben, dass dir die Verbesserungen, die wir vorgenommen haben, gefallen werden. Folge einigen #Tags, um Inhalte zu finden, die dir gefallen. Melde dich hier an: %{login_url}. Falls du deine Zugangsdaten vergessen hast, kannst du dir auf der Seite eine Erinnerung zuschicken lassen. In Hoffnung dich wiederzusehen, Der diaspora* E-Mail-Roboter!
    da du dein Konto unter %{pod_url} seit %{after_days} nicht mehr benutzt hast, sieht es so aus, als ob du es nicht mehr möchtest. Um unseren aktiven Kühen auf diesem Bauernhof die bestmögliche Leistung zu bieten, würden wir inaktive Kühe gerne aus unserer Datenbank entfernen. 
    Es würde uns sehr gefallen, wenn du ein Teil der diaspora*-Gemeinschaft bleibst, und wenn du möchtest kannst du dein Konto behalten. 
    Wenn du dein Konto behalten möchtest, musst du dich nur vor %{remove_after} anmelden. Wenn du dich angemeldet hast, nimm dir einen Augenblick Zeit, um dich auf diaspora* umzusehen. Es hat sich seit deinem letzten Besuch stark verändert und wir glauben, dass dir die Verbesserungen, die wir vorgenommen haben, gefallen werden. Folge einigen #Tags, um Inhalte zu finden, die dir gefallen. 
    Melde dich hier an: %{login_url}. Falls du deine Zugangsdaten vergessen hast, kannst du dir auf der Seite eine Erinnerung zuschicken lassen. 
    In Hoffnung dich wiederzusehen, 
    Der diaspora* E-Mail-Roboter!
    modifié par Waithamai .
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