someone reshares your post
someone reshares your post
... iu rekonigis vian afiŝon? -
Ŝanĝi -
We have sent you an activation link to %{unconfirmed_email}. Until you follow this link and activate the new address, we will continue to use your original address %{email}.
We have sent you an activation link to %{unconfirmed_email}. Until you follow this link and activate the new address, we will continue to use your original address %{email}.
Ni sendis al vi aktivigan ligilon ĉe %{unconfirmed_email}. Ĝis kiam vi klakos tiun ĉi ligilon kaj aktivigos la novan repoŝtadreson, ni uzados vian ĝisnunan retpoŝtadreson %{email}. -
Stream preferences
Stream preferences
Torentaj agordoj -
Show “community spotlight” in stream
Show “community spotlight” in stream
Ĉu montri Komunuman Ĉeflumon en Torento? -
Show “getting started” hints
Show “getting started” hints
Reŝalti Komencadon -
Sharing settings
Sharing settings
Agordoj pri sekvado -
Automatically share with users who start sharing with you
Automatically share with users who start sharing with you
Aŭtomate konigu reen, se iu konigas al vi. -
Aspect for users you automatically share with:
Aspect for users you automatically share with:
Aspekto por aŭtomate sekvataj uzantoj -
Hey, please don’t go!
Hey, please don’t go!
Hej, bv. ne foriri! -
We’d love you to stay and help us make diaspora* better instead of leaving. If you really do want to leave, however, here’s what will happen next:
We’d love you to stay and help us make diaspora* better instead of leaving. If you really do want to leave, however, here’s what will happen next:
Ni deziras helpi al vi plibonigi DIASPORA-on, do vi prefere helpu al ni anstataŭ ol foriri. Se vi vere deziras foriri, ni volas informi vin, kio sekve okazas. -
Mr Wiggles will be sad to see you go
Mr Wiggles will be sad to see you go
S-ro Wiggles estos malĝoja vidante vin foriri -
We will delete all of your posts and profile data as soon as possible. Your comments on other people’s posts will still appear, but they will be associated with your diaspora* ID rather than your name.
We will delete all of your posts and profile data as soon as possible. Your comments on other people’s posts will still appear, but they will be associated with your diaspora* ID rather than your name.
Ni forviŝos ĉiujn viajn mesaĝojn kaj la profilo-datumojn tiel rapide kiel eblas homece. Viaj komentoj restos, sed estos asociitaj kun via Diaspora-uzantnomo. -
You will get signed out and locked out of your account until it has been deleted.
You will get signed out and locked out of your account until it has been deleted.
Vi elsalutos kaj estos barita de via konto. -
Your username will be locked. You will not be able to create a new account on this pod with the same ID.
Your username will be locked. You will not be able to create a new account on this pod with the same ID.
Tio ĉi baros vian uzantonomon kaze ke vi decidas reensaluti. -
There is no turning back! If you’re really sure, enter your password below.
There is no turning back! If you’re really sure, enter your password below.
Aktuale ne eblas reiri. -
Privacy settings
Privacy settings
Privatecaj Agordoj -
Ignored users
Ignored users
Ignoritaj Uzantoj -
Stop ignoring
Stop ignoring
Ĉesi ignori -
Your account has been locked. It may take 20 minutes for us to finish closing your account. Thank you for trying diaspora*.
Your account has been locked. It may take 20 minutes for us to finish closing your account. Thank you for trying diaspora*.
Via konto ŝlosiĝis. Povas daŭri 20 minutojn ĝis kiam via konto fine estos fermita. Dankon por elprovi Diaspora-n.