

  1. NSFW (‘not safe for work’) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from people’s streams unless they choose to view them.
    NSFW (‘not safe for work’) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from people’s streams unless they choose to view them.

    NSFW (‘not safe for work’) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from peoples streams unless they choose to view them.

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  2. NSFW (‘not safe for work’) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from people’s streams unless they choose to view them.
    NSFW (‘not safe for work’) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from people’s streams unless they choose to view them.

    NSFW (‘not safe for work’) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from peoples streams unless they choose to view them.

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. NSFW (no es seguro/apropiado para el trabajo) es el estándar autónomo de la comunidad de diaspora*, que se aplica al contenido que no es adecuado para ser visto mientras uno se encuentra en el trabajo. Si tienes pensado compartir dicho material frecuentemente, por favor selecciona esta opción. Así todo lo que compartas estará oculto en la «Entrada» de otros usuarios, hasta que estos decidan verlo.
    NSFW (no es seguro/apropiado para el trabajo) es el estándar autónomo de la comunidad de diaspora*, que se aplica al contenido que no es adecuado para ser visto mientras uno se encuentra en el trabajo. Si tienes pensado compartir dicho material frecuentemente, por favor selecciona esta opción. Así todo lo que compartas estará oculto en la «Entrada» de otros usuarios, hasta que estos decidan verlo.
    modifié par OmeGa .
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  4. NSFW (“not safe for work”) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from people’s streams unless they choose to view them.
    NSFW (“not safe for work”) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from people’s streams unless they choose to view them.

    NSFW (“not safe for work”) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from peoples streams unless they choose to view them.

    modifié via l’API .
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  5. NSFW (no es seguro/apropiado para el trabajo) es el estándar autónomo de la comunidad de diaspora*, que se aplica al contenido que no es adecuado para ser visto mientras uno se encuentra en el trabajo. Si tienes pensado compartir dicho material frecuentemente, por favor selecciona esta opción. Así todo lo que compartas estará oculto en la «Entrada» de otros usuarios, hasta que estos decidan verlo.
    NSFW (no es seguro/apropiado para el trabajo) es el estándar autónomo de la comunidad de diaspora*, que se aplica al contenido que no es adecuado para ser visto mientras uno se encuentra en el trabajo. Si tienes pensado compartir dicho material frecuentemente, por favor selecciona esta opción. Así todo lo que compartas estará oculto en la «Entrada» de otros usuarios, hasta que estos decidan verlo.
    modifié via l’API .
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  6. NSFW (“not safe for work”) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from people’s streams unless they choose to view them.
    NSFW (“not safe for work”) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from people’s streams unless they choose to view them.

    NSFW (“not safe for work”) is diaspora*’s self-governing community standard for content which may not be suitable to view while at work. If you plan to share such material frequently, please check this option so that everything you share will be hidden from peoples streams unless they choose to view them.

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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