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Discussion commencée , avec 2 commentaires.
  1. XoseM Traducteur en galicien ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    diaspora* translation to galician (gl) was abandoned since long time ago.
    I've finally managed to translate remaning strings but the previously translated are quite old some some of the are no longer valid and/or accurate to reality.
    I'm currently the only member of "galician crew" and I dont have access to edit or suggest new translations to correct those old text chains.
    I could even edit some texts for keeping concordance all over the app.

    Please if any admin/moderator could guide me to know how to ask for this level of permission I'd be grateful.

    My background as FOSS translator

    Do not hesitate to contact me also at xmgz[at]joindiaspora.com if needed.

  2. Hi, I granted you the needed permissions.

  3. XoseM Traducteur en galicien ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    thanks ;)


  1. Spotlight


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  2. Destacada
    modifié par XoseM .
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  3. Spotlight


    modifié par Waithamai via une opération en batch.
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  4. Destacada
    modifié par XoseM .
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