Ben will receive a notification that Amy has “started sharing” with Ben.
Ben will receive a notification that Amy has “started sharing” with Ben.
Ben riceverà una notifica che dirà che Amy ha "iniziato a condividere" con lui. -
Amy will start to see Ben’s public posts in her stream.
Amy will start to see Ben’s public posts in her stream.
Amy inizierà a vedere i post pubblici di Ben nel suo profilo. -
Amy will not see any of Ben’s private posts.
Amy will not see any of Ben’s private posts.
Amy non vedrà alcun post privato di Ben. -
Ben will not see Amy’s public or private posts in his stream.
Ben will not see Amy’s public or private posts in his stream.
Ben non vedrà i post pubblici o privati di Amy nel suo stream. -
But if Ben goes to Amy’s profile page, then he will see the private posts that Amy makes to the aspect that she has placed him in (as well as her public posts, which anyone can see there).
But if Ben goes to Amy’s profile page, then he will see the private posts that Amy makes to the aspect that she has placed him in (as well as her public posts, which anyone can see there).
Ma se Ben andrà nella pagina del profilo di Amy, allora vedrà i messaggi privati di Amy che lei crea per il suo Aspetto in cui c'è lui (e anche i suoi post pubblici che chiunque può vedere). -
Ben will be able to see Amy’s private profile (biography, location, gender, birthday).
Ben will be able to see Amy’s private profile (biography, location, gender, birthday).
Ben potrà vedere il profilo privato di Amy (biografia, luogo, sesso, compleanno). -
Amy will appear under “Only sharing with me” on Ben’s contacts page.
Amy will appear under “Only sharing with me” on Ben’s contacts page.
Amy apparirà nella pagina di Ben "condividono con me". -
This is known as asymmetrical sharing. If and when Ben also adds Amy to an aspect then it would become mutual sharing, with both Amy’s and Ben’s public posts and relevant private posts appearing in each other’s streams, and Amy would be able to view Ben’s private profile. They would then also be able to send each other private messages.This is known as asymmetrical sharing. If and when Ben also adds Amy to an aspect then it would become mutual sharing, with both Amy’s and Ben’s public posts and relevant private posts appearing in each other’s streams, and Amy would be able to view Ben’s private profile. They would then also be able to send each other private messages.Questa è nota come condivisione assimetrica. Solo e quando Ben aggiungerà Amy ad un aspetto allora questa diventerà una condivisione mutua, con i post pubblici e rilevanti post privati di entrambi visibili nei relativi stream, etc.
Who are the people listed under “Only sharing with me” on my contacts page?
Who are the people listed under “Only sharing with me” on my contacts page?
Chi sono le persone elencate in "condividono con me" nella mia pagina dei contatti? -
These are people that have added you to one of their aspects, but who are not (yet) in any of your aspects. In other words, they are sharing with you, but you are not sharing with them: you can think of this as them “following” you. If you add them to an aspect, they will then appear under that aspect and not under “Only sharing with me”. See above.
These are people that have added you to one of their aspects, but who are not (yet) in any of your aspects. In other words, they are sharing with you, but you are not sharing with them: you can think of this as them “following” you. If you add them to an aspect, they will then appear under that aspect and not under “Only sharing with me”. See above.
Queste sono le persone che ti hanno aggiunto ad uno dei loro aspetti, ma che non sono (ancora) in nessuno dei tuoi aspetti. In altre parole, loro ti stanno seguendo ma tu no (condivisione asimmetrica). Se tu li aggiungi ad un aspetto, allora appariranno in quell`aspetto e non più in "condividono con me". Vedi sopra. -
Is there a list of people whom I have added to one of my aspects, but who have not added me to one of theirs?
Is there a list of people whom I have added to one of my aspects, but who have not added me to one of theirs?
C`è una lista di persone che ho aggiunto ad uno dei miei aspetti, ma che non mi hanno ancora aggiunto ai loro? -
No, but you can see whether or not someone is sharing with you by visiting their profile page. If they are, there will be a green tick next to their diaspora* ID. If they are not, there will be a gray circle.
No, but you can see whether or not someone is sharing with you by visiting their profile page. If they are, there will be a green tick next to their diaspora* ID. If they are not, there will be a gray circle.
No, però puoi vedere se una persona ti sta seguendo visitando la pagina del suo profilo. Se lo stanno facendo, allora la barra sotto il loro profilo sarà verde; nel caso contrario sarà grigia. Dovresti ricevere una notifica ogniqualvolta qualcuno inizia a seguirti. -
When I add someone to an aspect, can they see older posts that I have already posted to that aspect?
When I add someone to an aspect, can they see older posts that I have already posted to that aspect?
Quando aggiungo qualcuno ad un aspetto, può questi vedere post vecchi che ho già postato in quel aspetto? -
No. They will only be able to see new posts to that aspect. They (and everyone else) can see your older public posts on your profile page, and they may also see them in their stream.
No. They will only be able to see new posts to that aspect. They (and everyone else) can see your older public posts on your profile page, and they may also see them in their stream.
No. Potrà solamente vedere post nuovi di quel aspetto. Loro (e ogni altro) potranno vedere i tuoi vecchi post pubblici sulla pagina del tuo profilo e sul loro stream. -
Tag -
What are tags for?
What are tags for?
A cosa servono i tag? -
Tags are a way to categorize a post, usually by topic. Searching for a tag shows all posts, both public and private, with that tag that you have permission to see. This lets people who are interested in a given topic find public posts about it.
Tags are a way to categorize a post, usually by topic. Searching for a tag shows all posts, both public and private, with that tag that you have permission to see. This lets people who are interested in a given topic find public posts about it.
Le tag sono un modo per categorizzare un post, normalmente per argomento. Cercando un tag verranno mostrati tutti i post con quel tag (sia pubblici che privati). Ciò permette a coloro interessati a certi argomenti di trovare i post pubblici su di essi. -
Can I put tags in comments or just in posts?
Can I put tags in comments or just in posts?
Posso mettere dei tag nei commenti o solo nei post? -
A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tag’s page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.
A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tag’s page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.
Un tag aggiunto ad un commento verrà mostrato come un link alla pagina di quel tag, ma non farà apparire quel post (o commento) nella pagina di quel tag. Ciò funziona solo con le tag nei post. -
What are “#Followed Tags” and how do I follow a tag?
What are “#Followed Tags” and how do I follow a tag?
Cosa sono le "#Followed Tags" e come posso seguirle?