This is your stream. Jump in and introduce yourself.
This is your stream. Jump in and introduce yourself.
내 스트림입니다. 자기소개 어때요? -
Welcome new users
Welcome new users
새 사용자를 맞으세요 -
Follow %{link} and welcome new users to diaspora*!
Follow %{link} and welcome new users to diaspora*!
%{link} 태그를 팔로우해서 디아스포라*의 새 사용자를 맞으세요! -
Learn more
Learn more
자세히 -
Need help?
Need help?
도움이 필요하세요? -
The diaspora* community is here!
The diaspora* community is here!
디아스포라 커뮤니티가 도와드립니다! -
Do you:
Do you:
해시태그: -
... have a %{link}?
... have a %{link}?
%{link}: 물어보세요! -
질문 -
... find a %{link}?
... find a %{link}?
%{link}: 버그를 보고해주세요! -
버그 -
... have a %{link} suggestion?
... have a %{link} suggestion?
%{link}: 제안해주세요! -
기능 -
Connect services
Connect services
서비스를 연결하세요 -
You can connect the following services to diaspora*:
You can connect the following services to diaspora*:
다음의 여러 서비스를 디아스포라에 연결할 수 있습니다: -
Stay updated
Stay updated
최신으로 유지하기 -
Your main stream is populated with all of your contacts, tags you follow, and posts from some creative members of the community.
Your main stream is populated with all of your contacts, tags you follow, and posts from some creative members of the community.
내 주 스트림은 내 컨택, 내가 팔로우한 태그, 그리고 디아스포라 커뮤니티의 독창적인 구성원들이 공유한 게시물로 채워집니다. -
Successfully removed person from aspect.
Successfully removed person from aspect.
애스펙에서 사람을 성공적으로 지웠습니다 -
Failed to remove person from aspect.
Failed to remove person from aspect.
애스펙으로부터 사람을 지우는데 실패했습니다 -
Could not find the selected person in that aspect.
Could not find the selected person in that aspect.
해당 애스펙에서 선택한 사람을 찾을 수 없었습니다
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