

  1. This is not yet available directly through diaspora*, but some %{third_party_tools} have been written that might provide this.
    This is not yet available directly through diaspora*, but some %{third_party_tools} have been written that might provide this.

    This is not yet available directly through diaspora*, but some %{third_party_tools} have been written that might provide this.

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. This is not yet available directly through diaspora*, but some %{third_party_tools} have been written that might provide this.
    This is not yet available directly through diaspora*, but some %{third_party_tools} have been written that might provide this.

    This is not yet available directly through diaspora*, but some %{third_party_tools} have been written that might provide this.

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. Kjo s’është ende e mundur drejtpërsëdrejti përmes diaspora*-s, por janë shkruar disa %{third_party_tools} që mund ta bëjnë këtë.
    Kjo sështë ende e mundur drejtpërsëdrejti përmes diaspora*-s, por janë shkruar disa %{third_party_tools} mund ta bëjnë këtë.
    modifié par Besnik Bleta .
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