

  1. A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tag's page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.
    A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tag's page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.

    A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tag's page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tag's page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.
    A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tag's page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.

    A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tag's page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tag’s page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.
    A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tag’s page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.

    A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tags page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.

    modifié via l’API .
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  4. A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tag’s page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.
    A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tag’s page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.

    A tag added to a comment will still appear as a link to that tags page, but it will not make that post (or comment) appear on that tag page. This only works for tags in posts.

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  5. Tag trong bình luận sẽ chỉ giúp dẫn về trang của tag. Bài đăng có chứa bình luận có tag sẽ không xuất hiện trong trang tag.
    Tag trong bình luận sẽ chỉ giúp dẫn về trang của tag. Bài đăng chứa bình luận tag sẽ không xuất hiện trong trang tag.
    modifié par Hồ Nhất Duy .
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  6. Hashtag trong bình luận sẽ chỉ giúp dẫn về trang của tag. Bài đăng có chứa bình luận có hashtag sẽ không xuất hiện trong trang hashtag.
    Hashtag trong bình luận sẽ chỉ giúp dẫn về trang của tag. Bài đăng chứa bình luận hashtag sẽ không xuất hiện trong trang hashtag.
    modifié par Hồ Nhất Duy .
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