Foi convidado por
Foi convidado por
You were invited by
Full sentence
Discussion commencée , avec 5 commentaires.-
Hello, could we have full sentence with substution to translate? In this case, there is no Chinese gramar to have the subject located in the end of a passive sentence.
I'd love to do so but it's really hard in this case. The usage is the following: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/18842622/Screenshot%20from%202012-06-10%2013%3A23%3A18.png So it's not really a name following but a box representing a person or however you could name it.
I think the only solution in this case is to rephrase it, ideally making it a full sentence but I can't really come up with something.
Anyone else?
How about "The one (or person) you are invited by"? It is not a full sentence, but at least does not imply a particular gramar?
If it makes sense in chinese, then use that ;)
Could you post another link?
The Dropbox link appears to be dead. -
Oh sorry, I forgot about this one when I cleaned up my screenshots. Here's a new one: http://db.tt/XHcggujv
This is on the getting started page.
you were invited byyou were invited by
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foste convidado por
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foi convidado por
you were invited byyou were invited by
foi convidado porfoi convidado por
foi convidado por
You were invited byYou were invited by
foi convidado porfoi convidado por
foi convidado por
You were invited byYou were invited by
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Foi convidado por
Foi convidado porFoi convidado por
Foi convidado por