Sas etichetas sunt una manera pro categorizare sas publicatziones, de sòlitu pro argumentu. Chirchende un'eticheta as a bìdere totu sas publicatziones, pùblicas e privadas, chi podes bìdere cun cussa eticheta. Custu at a permìtere a chie est interessadu in unu argumentu dislindadu de agatare publicatziones pùblicas chi li pertochent.
Sas etichetas sunt una manera pro categorizare sas publicatziones, de sòlitu pro argumentu. Chirchende un'eticheta as a bìdere totu sas publicatziones, pùblicas e privadas, chi podes bìdere cun cussa eticheta. Custu at a permìtere a chie est interessadu in unu argumentu dislindadu de agatare publicatziones pùblicas chi li pertochent.
Tags are a way to categorize a post, usually by topic. Searching for a tag shows all posts, both public and private, with that tag that you have permission to see. This lets people who are interested in a given topic find public posts about it.
Tags are a way to categorize a post, usually by topic. Searching for a tag shows all posts with that tag that you can see (both public and private posts). This lets people who are interested in a given topic find public posts about it.Tags are a way to categorize a post, usually by topic. Searching for a tag shows all posts with that tag that you can see (both public and private posts). This lets people who are interested in a given topic find public posts about it.
Tags are a way to categorize a post, usually by topic. Searching for a tag shows all posts with that tag that you can see (both public and private posts). This lets people who are interested in a given topic find public posts about it.Tags are a way to categorize a post, usually by topic. Searching for a tag shows all posts with that tag that you can see (both public and private posts). This lets people who are interested in a given topic find public posts about it.
Tags are a way to categorize a post, usually by topic. Searching for a tag shows all posts, both public and private, with that tag that you have permission to see. This lets people who are interested in a given topic find public posts about it.Tags are a way to categorize a post, usually by topic. Searching for a tag shows all posts, both public and private, with that tag that you have permission to see. This lets people who are interested in a given topic find public posts about it.
Tags are a way to categorize a post, usually by topic. Searching for a tag shows all posts, both public and private, with that tag that you have permission to see. This lets people who are interested in a given topic find public posts about it.Tags are a way to categorize a post, usually by topic. Searching for a tag shows all posts, both public and private, with that tag that you have permission to see. This lets people who are interested in a given topic find public posts about it.
Sas etichetas sunt una manera pro categorizare sas publicatziones, de sòlitu pro argumentu. Chirchende un'eticheta as a bìdere totu sas publicatziones, pùblicas e privadas, chi podes bìdere cun cussa eticheta. Custu at a permìtere a chie est interessadu in unu argumentu dislindadu de agatare publicatziones pùblicas chi li pertochent.Sas etichetas sunt una manera pro categorizare sas publicatziones, de sòlitu pro argumentu. Chirchende un'eticheta as a bìdere totu sas publicatziones, pùblicas e privadas, chi podes bìdere cun cussa eticheta. Custu at a permìtere a chie est interessadu in unu argumentu dislindadu de agatare publicatziones pùblicas chi li pertochent.
Sas etichetas sunt una manera pro categorizare sas publicatziones, de sòlitu pro argumentu. Chirchende un'eticheta as a bìdere totu sas publicatziones, pùblicas e privadas, chi podes bìdere cun cussa eticheta. Custu at a permìtere a chie est interessadu in unu argumentu dislindadu de agatare publicatziones pùblicas chi li pertochent.
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