02 juil. de 06:27 to 18:27
Marlonb changed 51 translations in Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Hungarian, German, Greek, Romanian, Croatian, Polish, Tagalog, Albanian, Swahili, Akan, Ghana, Danish, Indonesian, Indonesia, Czech, Georgian, Lithuanian, Norwegian Bokmål, Vietnamese, Haitian, Punjabi, Ukrainian, Slovenian, Navajo, Burmese, Myanmar [Burma], Arabic, Azeri, Azerbaijan, Serbian, Guarani, Korean, Latvian, Latvia, Lingala, Turkish, Turkey, Bantu Chichewa, Xhosa, Twi, Armenian, Thai, Thailand, French-based Creole or Pidgin, French-based Creole or Pidgin Guadeloupean Creole, Bislama, Aymara, Fon, Cebuano, Iloko, Xhosa, South Africa, Hebrew, Romany Macedonian and Ukrainian, Ukraine on
See changes »
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In portugais:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In russe:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Jürgen .
In italien:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Massimo Gomirato .
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In hongrois:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In allemand:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In grec:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Andreas Giannakakis .
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In roumain:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Bbudar .
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In croate:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In polonais:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In tagalog:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In albanais:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In swahili:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In akan, Ghana:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In danois:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In indonésien, Indonésie:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In tchèque:
modifié par
Zbynda .
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In géorgien:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In lituanien:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In norvégien bokmål:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In vietnamien:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In haïtien:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In pendjabi:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In ukrainien:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
modifié par
Andrii Holizna .
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In slovène:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Dpavlic3 .
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In navaho:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In birman, Myanmar:
modifié par
Glenn Grice .
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In arabe:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In azéri, Azerbaïdjan:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In serbe:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In guarani:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In coréen:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In letton, Lettonie:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In lingala:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In turc, Turquie:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In bantou Chichewa:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In xhosa:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In twi:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In arménien:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In thaï, Thaïlande:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In langue créole ou pidgin français:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In langue créole ou pidgin français Guadeloupean Creole:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
David79 .
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In bichelamar:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In aymara:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In fon:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In cebuano:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In ilokano:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In xhosa, Afrique du Sud:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In hébreu:
<-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
modifié par
Michael .
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In romani Macedonian:
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
In ukrainien, Ukraine:
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
modifié par
Marlonb .
02 juil. de 06:27 to 18:27