Hover the mouse over the <img src="../images/cloud_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button in the top right corner of the TheocBase window.
Hover the mouse over the
<img src="../images/cloud_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
button in the top right corner of the TheocBase window.Siirrä hiiri TheocBase ikkunan oikeassa yläkulmassa olevan painikkeen<img src="../images/cloud_offline_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
päälle. -
You need to login to your cloud storage and accept the sharing, before it is displayed in the list.
You need to login to your cloud storage and accept the sharing, before it is displayed in the list.
Sinun täytyy kirjautua pilvipalveluun ja hyväksyä jaetun kansion käyttö, jotta se tulee näkyviin listaan. -
Select the check box next to the shared file.
Select the check box next to the shared file.
Valitse jaettu datatiedosto. -
Allow TheocBase to access your Dropbox by clicking on <strong>Allow</strong>. After TheocBase received a callback, you can close the page.
Allow TheocBase to access your Dropbox by clicking on
. After TheocBase received a callback, you can close the page.Salli TheocBaselle pääsy Dropboxiin painamalla<strong>
. Sivu voidaan sulkea sen jälkeen kun TheocBase on saanut tiedon kirjatumisesta. -
Select <strong>Can edit</strong>.
Can edit</strong>
Can edit</strong>
. -
Click on the <img src="../images/chevron_down_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button to get an updated list of the available files in your cloud storage.
Click on the
<img src="../images/chevron_down_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
button to get an updated list of the available files in your cloud storage.Valitse<img src="../images/chevron_down_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
painiketta saadaksesi päivitetyn luettelon käytettävissä olevista datatiedostoista. -
Getting Started
Getting Started
Käytön aloittaminen -
Reset Cloud Data
Reset Cloud Data
Poista pilvessä olevat tiedot -
At times data cleaning may be necessary in order to modify e.g. incorrect, redundant or duplicate records. To replicate the cleansed data to all other devices, that are connected to the cloud, follow the steps below:
At times data cleaning may be necessary in order to modify e.g. incorrect, redundant or duplicate records. To replicate the cleansed data to all other devices, that are connected to the cloud, follow the steps below:
Toisinaan tietojen puhdistus voi olla tarpeen esim. poistaaksesi virheelliset, tarpeettomat tai päällekkäiset tiedot. Jos haluat kopioida puhdistetut tiedot kaikkiin muihin pilveen kytkettyihin laitteisiin, toimi seuraavasti: -
Inform all users about the steps they are involved in.
Inform all users about the steps they are involved in.
Tiedota muita käyttäjiä. -
Click on the <img src="../images/cloud_delete_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button to delete the cloud storage.
Click on the
<img src="../images/cloud_delete_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
button to delete the cloud storage.Klikkaa<img src="../images/cloud_delete_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
painiketta poistaaksesi pilvessä olevat tiedot. -
Varoitus: -
In the next message box select <strong>Synchronize</strong> to upload the local TheocBase data to the cloud. If you click on <strong>Sign out</strong> you will be <a href="#disconnect_cloud_storage">disconnected from the cloud storage</a>.
In the next message box select
to upload the local TheocBase data to the cloud. If you click on<strong>
Sign out</strong>
you will be<a href="#disconnect_cloud_storage">
disconnected from the cloud storage</a>
.Seuraavassa ikkunassa valitse<strong>
tallentaaksesi TheocBasen paikalliset tiedot pilveen. Jos valitset<strong>
Kirjaudu ulos</strong>
sinut<a href="#disconnect_cloud_storage">
kirjataan ulos pilvetallennuksesta</a>
. -
Disconnect the Cloud Storage
Disconnect the Cloud Storage
Lopeta pilvitallennus -
Click on the <img src="../images/logout_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button to disconnect the cloud storage.
Click on the
<img src="../images/logout_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
button to disconnect the cloud storage.Klikkaa<img src="../images/logout_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
painiketta lopettaaksesi pilvitallennuksen. -
Access control settings will be removed locally and the data in TheocBase will be cleared, if it was shared by someone else.
Access control settings will be removed locally and the data in TheocBase will be cleared, if it was shared by someone else.
Jos käytetään jonkun muun jakamia tietoja, käyttöoikeudet poistetaan paikallisesti ja TheocBasen tiedot tyhjennetään. -
Before editing data, make sure you have loaded the recent changes and likewise synchronize also when you have finished your editing. Otherwise, if similar changes can be found in the cloud, your local changes may be overwritten as you synchronize; as administrator you will be notified about such a conflict.
Before editing data, make sure you have loaded the recent changes and likewise synchronize also when you have finished your editing. Otherwise, if similar changes can be found in the cloud, your local changes may be overwritten as you synchronize; as administrator you will be notified about such a conflict.
Varmista ennen tietojen muokkaamista, että olet ladannut viimeisimmät muutokset ja synkronoi myös kun lopetat muokkaamisen. Muussa tapauksessa, jos samoja muutoksia löytyy pilvestä, paikalliset muutokset voidaan korvata synkronoinnin aikana. Järjestelmänvalvojana saat ilmoituksen tällaisesta ristiriidasta. -
On synchronizing as <strong>administrator</strong> with another device after this time, a dialog appears with the message, that the cloud data has been deleted. The dialog needs to be confirmed with <strong>Yes</strong> or <strong>Continue</strong>, in order to discard the local data on that device and replace it by the cloud data. As a <strong>non-administrator</strong> these steps take place automatically.
On synchronizing as
with another device after this time, a dialog appears with the message, that the cloud data has been deleted. The dialog needs to be confirmed with<strong>
, in order to discard the local data on that device and replace it by the cloud data. As a<strong>
these steps take place automatically.Kun synkronoidaan tämän jälkeen toisella laitteella<strong>
, näyttöön tulee valintaikkuna, jossa ilmoitetaan pilvessä olevien tietojen poistamisesta. Valintaikkunassa valitaan joko<strong>
, jotta kyseisen laitteen paikalliset tiedot voidaan hylätä ja korvata ne pilvessä olevilla tiedoilla. Tämä tehdään automaattisesti jos käyttäjälle<strong>
ei ole järjestelmänvalvojan</strong>
oikeuksia. -
Click on the <strong>Yes</strong> button and confirm to delete the cloud data.
Click on the
button and confirm to delete the cloud data. -
Settings - Access Control
Settings - Access Control
Asetukset - Käyttäjähallinta