After pressing the <img src="../images/add_24x24.png" alt="" /> button, the <strong>Wizard</strong> dialog opens.
After pressing the
<img src="../images/add_24x24.png" alt="" />
button, the<strong>
dialog opens. -
If you plan to import further data, containing historical record, it may be beneficial to maintain also a complete list of discontinued and revised talks along with the corresponding dates, in order to match the given talk numbers correctly. See the section <a href="#revised_public_talk_outlines">Revised Public Talks</a> on how to update talks.
If you plan to import further data, containing historical record, it may be beneficial to maintain also a complete list of discontinued and revised talks along with the corresponding dates, in order to match the given talk numbers correctly. See the section
<a href="#revised_public_talk_outlines">
Revised Public Talks</a>
on how to update talks. -
Adding Congregations and Speakers
Adding Congregations and Speakers
Seurakuntien ja puhujien lisääminen -
Multiple congregations and speakers, along with their talks, can be added via a tab delimited list at once.
Multiple congregations and speakers, along with their talks, can be added via a tab delimited list at once.
Useita seurakuntia ja puhujia sekä heidän esitelmätietojaan voidaan lisätä kerralla sarkainerotellun listan avulla. -
You need to <a href="#revised_public_talk_outlines">add the complete list of public talk outlines</a> first.
You need to
<a href="#revised_public_talk_outlines">
add the complete list of public talk outlines</a>
first.Sinun on ensin<a href="#revised_public_talk_outlines">
esitelmien aiheen</a>
. -
In the <strong>Settings</strong> select the <strong>Add congregations and speakers</strong> tab on the <strong>Public Talks</strong> page.
In the
select the<strong>
Add congregations and speakers</strong>
tab on the<strong>
Public Talks</strong>
Lisää seurakuntia ja puhujia</strong>
välilehti. -
The fields are separated with a tab character and multiple talks can be entered, separated with a comma.
The fields are separated with a tab character and multiple talks can be entered, separated with a comma.
Kentät erotellaan sarkainmerkillä (tab) ja useita teemoja voidaan syöttää pilkkueroteltuna. -
Select in which order you entered the names (last name first name vs first name last name).
Select in which order you entered the names (last name first name vs first name last name).
Valitse missä järjestyksessä nimet syötetään (sukunimi etunimi vai etunimi sukunimi). -
When satisfied with the list, press the <strong>Save to Database</strong> button.
When satisfied with the list, press the
Save to Database</strong>
button.Kun olet tarkistanut listan, paina<strong>
Tallenna kantaan</strong>
painiketta. -
<span>You can copy and paste the talks from the Public Talk List (S-99) or directly from The result of the public talk outlines in the documents section may be displayed on multiple pages with 15 talks on each. If this list contains both, the talk number along with its theme, then you can copy and paste the talks directly from each page.</span> <br><span>In each case you need to check and <a href="#revised_public_talk_outlines">update revised or discontinued talks</a> afterward. A separate form accompanying the Public Talk List (S-99) may be available, that contains corrections. If this form is not available in your language, you can find updated talks also if you filter the public talk outlines by the revision date found on the S-99 form. Check also the announcements (S-147) regarding public talks for further informations (e.g. discontinued date).</span>
You can copy and paste the talks from the Public Talk List (S-99) or directly from The result of the public talk outlines in the documents section may be displayed on multiple pages with 15 talks on each. If this list contains both, the talk number along with its theme, then you can copy and paste the talks directly from each page.</span>
In each case you need to check and<a href="#revised_public_talk_outlines">
update revised or discontinued talks</a>
afterward. A separate form accompanying the Public Talk List (S-99) may be available, that contains corrections. If this form is not available in your language, you can find updated talks also if you filter the public talk outlines by the revision date found on the S-99 form. Check also the announcements (S-147) regarding public talks for further informations (e.g. discontinued date).</span>
In the dialog, enter the speakers and congregations in the following format:<br><code class="green">Congregation</code><code class="highlight_gray"> TAB </code><code class="green">Speaker's name</code><code class="highlight_gray"> TAB </code><code class="green">Phone</code><code class="highlight_gray"> TAB </code><code class="green">Public talk number(s comma separated)</code>
In the dialog, enter the speakers and congregations in the following format:
<br><code class="green">
Congregation</code><code class="highlight_gray">
TAB</code><code class="green">
Speaker's name</code><code class="highlight_gray">
TAB</code><code class="green">
Phone</code><code class="highlight_gray">
TAB</code><code class="green">
Public talk number(s comma separated)</code>
Open the <strong>Add subjects</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
Open the
Add subjects</strong>
page in the<strong>
Public Talks Settings</strong>
. -
Open the <strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
Open the
Add talks</strong>
page in the<strong>
Public Talks Settings</strong>
. -
Asetukset -
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Sisällysluettelo -
Public Talks
Public Talks
Esitelmät -
Alueet -
Cloud Syncing
Cloud Syncing
Synkronointi -
Access Control
Access Control
Käyttäjähallinta -