Click on the <img src="../images/add_24x24.png" alt="" width="20" height="20" /> button.
Click on the
<img src="../images/add_24x24.png" alt="" width="20" height="20" />
button.Klikkaa<img src="../images/add_24x24.png" alt="" width="20" height="20" />
painiketta. -
Enter the number and theme of the new talk in the <strong>Wizard</strong> dialog and click on the <strong>Next></strong> button.
Enter the number and theme of the new talk in the
dialog and click on the<strong>
button. -
Select the language of the outline in the <strong>Import subjects</strong> dialog and push the <strong>OK</strong> button.
Select the language of the outline in the
Import subjects</strong>
dialog and push the<strong>
button. -
Click the <strong>Save to database</strong> button in order to save the changes.
Click the
Save to database</strong>
button in order to save the changes.Klikkaa<strong>
Tallenna tietokantaan</strong>
painiketta tallentaaksesi muutokset. -
If the previous talk has not been discontinued yet, a dialog with the message to do so will appear. Hit the <strong>OK</strong> button to discontinue the previous talk and add the new one.
If the previous talk has not been discontinued yet, a dialog with the message to do so will appear. Hit the
button to discontinue the previous talk and add the new one. -
Doubleclick the <strong>Revision</strong> field of the new talk in the <strong>Public Talks</strong> list and enter the date of the update.
Doubleclick the
field of the new talk in the<strong>
Public Talks</strong>
list and enter the date of the update. -
Remove a Discontinued Talk
Remove a Discontinued Talk
Poista lopetettu teema -
Open the <strong>Add talks</strong> page in the <strong>Public Talks Settings</strong>.
Open the
Add talks</strong>
page in the<strong>
Public Talks Settings</strong>
Lisää esitelmiä</strong>
esitelmien asetuksissa</strong>
. -
Uncheck the <strong>Hide discontinued</strong> check box in order to enable editing of discontinued talks. Now the columns <strong>Released on</strong> and <strong>Discontinued on</strong> are visible as well.
Uncheck the
Hide discontinued</strong>
check box in order to enable editing of discontinued talks. Now the columns<strong>
Released on</strong>
Discontinued on</strong>
are visible as well. -
Doubleclick the <strong>Discontinued on</strong> field and enter the date of the removal.
Doubleclick the
Discontinued on</strong>
field and enter the date of the removal. -
If a speaker with this talk is scheduled, a message appears, that scheduled talks with this outline will be moved to the <strong>To Do List</strong>. Click the <strong>OK</strong> button.
If a speaker with this talk is scheduled, a message appears, that scheduled talks with this outline will be moved to the
To Do List</strong>
. Click the<strong>
button. -
Doubleclick the <strong>Revision</strong> field and enter the date of the update.
Doubleclick the
field and enter the date of the update. -
Enter the public talks according to the instructions in the dialog.
Enter the public talks according to the instructions in the dialog.
Syötä esitelmät ikkunan ohjeiden mukaisesti. -
Vihje: -
After pressing the <img src="../images/add_24x24.png" alt="" /> button, the <strong>Wizard</strong> dialog opens.
After pressing the
<img src="../images/add_24x24.png" alt="" />
button, the<strong>
dialog opens. -
If you plan to import further data, containing historical record, it may be beneficial to maintain also a complete list of discontinued and revised talks along with the corresponding dates, in order to match the given talk numbers correctly. See the section <a href="#revised_public_talk_outlines">Revised Public Talks</a> on how to update talks.
If you plan to import further data, containing historical record, it may be beneficial to maintain also a complete list of discontinued and revised talks along with the corresponding dates, in order to match the given talk numbers correctly. See the section
<a href="#revised_public_talk_outlines">
Revised Public Talks</a>
on how to update talks. -
Adding Congregations and Speakers
Adding Congregations and Speakers
Seurakuntien ja puhujien lisääminen -
Multiple congregations and speakers, along with their talks, can be added via a tab delimited list at once.
Multiple congregations and speakers, along with their talks, can be added via a tab delimited list at once.
Useita seurakuntia ja puhujia sekä heidän esitelmätietojaan voidaan lisätä kerralla sarkainerotellun listan avulla. -
You need to <a href="#revised_public_talk_outlines">add the complete list of public talk outlines</a> first.
You need to
<a href="#revised_public_talk_outlines">
add the complete list of public talk outlines</a>
first.Sinun on ensin<a href="#revised_public_talk_outlines">
esitelmien aiheen</a>
. -
In the <strong>Settings</strong> select the <strong>Add congregations and speakers</strong> tab on the <strong>Public Talks</strong> page.
In the
select the<strong>
Add congregations and speakers</strong>
tab on the<strong>
Public Talks</strong>
Lisää seurakuntia ja puhujia</strong>