
Discussion commencée , avec 8 commentaires.
  1. Acustica Traducteur en italien ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    This seem to be a JSON field. Need to be translated?

  2. Marc Theunissen Traducteur en néerlandais ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    There are many of these terms between curly brackets. They need to be copied into the translation box, without changing them

  3. Marlonb Manager

    There was a discussion about how to translate texts for the help file here:

    Since in this example there's no message about NOT to translate the text, it can or rather should be translated, so that the users can understand the meaning (which appears in the middle column under Value - see TheocBase help file) of the actual printing tag (in the Tag-column).
    Also, this is neither HTML code (which must not changed) and the documentation itself explains at the top, why curly brackets are used here. Please check the help file and compare the English documentation with its translation, to see what you need to correct, in case other items were also wrongly translated.

  4. Marc Theunissen Traducteur en néerlandais ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    So far for the obviously correct theory, but in practice webtranslateit has flatout refused to accept any translation which is not a copy of the original.

    I know I have translated most of these in the past, but more recently it was not allowed, and I gave up trying.

    I could be an admin setting of which I have no clue...

  5. Marlonb Manager

    if you let me know the Dutch text here, I can try. My privileges are probably the same...

  6. Marc Theunissen Traducteur en néerlandais ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    As I said, I did translate some of these strings in the past, but then found I couldn't translate at least a few others.
    I think I have finally figured something out: some terms between {} are recognised as code and WTI posts a message to that effect above the translation box. Specifically I have found this to be true about {date} and {time}, there may be one or two others though.
    If the string somehow is recognised (or defined?) as code, the translation must include that exact piece of code (i.e. it cannot be translated).

  7. Marc Theunissen Traducteur en néerlandais ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    Addtionally: WTI probably recognises this as code when there is only one word between {}. I find {start time} in English, when I translate that {starttijd} WTI throws a warning I cannot include code, since there is no code in the original. In this case I resolve that by putting a space at the end before the closing bracket. But when the original has the 'code', I must use it.

  8. Marlonb Manager

    I first made a test for {territory number} in Hungarian, which is also one word, but had no issues (no warning etc.). Then I checked {start time} in Dutch and removed you space at the end. Then I noticed the message you mentioned, but the button Skip validation seems to be the right way to solve this. After pressing this button, the Save button also worked.

  9. Marc Theunissen Traducteur en néerlandais ayant un droit de relecture total (incluant ses propres traductions)

    Err... right


  1. {dash-separated locale name}
    {dash-separated locale name}

    {dash-separated locale name}

    modifié via l’API .
    Copier dans le presse-papier