Листы карт и адресов
Листы карт и адресов
Map and Addresses Sheets
I have entered a temporary translation here (the one that existed), but if I had an idea of what is actually being printed, the description might be more accurate. One sheet for a single territory map with all associated addresses (for a publisher to use in the field), or lists of all available maps and addresses (to provide status oversight), for example?
The first. One sheet with one map per territory and associated addresses. These can be: do not calls or foreign languages e.g.
it actually depends on the template; territory numbers are entered in a field (e.g. 1,4,8) and the output contains either 1) just the corresponding maps or 2) just the individual lists of addresses or 3) each map along with the related address list
Thanks both. I adapted what I had.
Листы карт и адресовЛисты карт и адресов
Листы карт и адресов
Map and Addresses SheetsMap and Addresses Sheets
Листы карт и адресовЛисты карт и адресов
Листы карт и адресов