cr5315 Application Industries/Countdown for Dashclock
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dernier post par Eric van Luijt
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dernier post par Eric van Luijt
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dernier post par Pierre
Traduction el |
dernier post par Ben B
Traduction el |
dernier post par Sakisds
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dernier post par Ben B
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dernier post par Scykei
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I don't have a one box either. I'll go ahead and put what you gave me.
dernier post par Ben B
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I've been having the name be translated as well. Thanks for asking though.
dernier post par Ben B
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The h makes it a different variable from the %d used in the same plural string, so yes, leave it.
dernier post par Ben B
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Does "Bahasa Jerman" mean German or German language?
dernier post par Ben B
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