Max Current
Open Charge Map/Open Charge Map
Max Current
Max Current
Max áram
"Max áram" ? szerintem az áram és áramerősség színonimák. Okostelefonos felhasználásnál jól jöhet a minél rövidebb kifejezés
This field is for Current as in Amperage (13amps, 100amps etc). Power on the other hand is measured in Watts (kW)
Understand the difference between power and current, as well as between amper and watt, as unit of measures of the above physical charachteristics. My question was on the hungarian expressions of "áram" and "áramerősség". Basically for me these are synonims, and if the display area is limited, such as on smart phones, I would suggest to use the shorter term. (Literal English translation of the above words would be like "current" and "current level" respectively.)
Thanks, I had to Google Translate your question so probably didn't understand! Yes, shorter is usually better if it is a common word that everyone will understand.
Max CurrentMax Current
Max CurrentMax Current
Max Current
Max aktuálisMax aktuális
Max áramerősségMax áramerősség
Max áramMax áram
Max áramMax áram