

  1. Place a # (hash) symbol in front of a word and it becomes a #tag. What’s the use of this? Well, #tags are a great way of finding content that interests you, and of bringing content to the attention of people who are likely to be interested in it. You can search for tags by typing them in the search field in the header. You can also follow tags, so that any posts containing those tags appear in your stream – in fact, if you filled out the “Describe yourself in 5 words” part of your profile page, you’re already following those tags!
    Place a # (hash) symbol in front of a word and it becomes a #tag. Whats the use of this? Well, #tags are a great way of finding content that interests you, and of bringing content to the attention of people who are likely to be interested in it. You can search for tags by typing them in the search field in the header. You can also follow tags, so that any posts containing those tags appear in your streamin fact, if you filled out theDescribe yourself in 5 wordspart of your profile page, youre already following those tags!
    modifié via l’API .
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  2. Place a # (hash) symbol in front of a word and it becomes a #tag. What’s the use of this? Well, #tags are a great way of finding content that interests you, and of bringing content to the attention of people who are likely to be interested in it. You can search for tags by typing them in the search field in the header. You can also follow tags, so that any posts containing those tags appear in your stream – in fact, if you filled out the “Describe yourself in 5 words” part of your profile page, you’re already following those tags!
    Place a # (hash) symbol in front of a word and it becomes a #tag. Whats the use of this? Well, #tags are a great way of finding content that interests you, and of bringing content to the attention of people who are likely to be interested in it. You can search for tags by typing them in the search field in the header. You can also follow tags, so that any posts containing those tags appear in your streamin fact, if you filled out theDescribe yourself in 5 wordspart of your profile page, youre already following those tags!
    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. Plaas 'n # (allegaartjie) simbool voor 'n woord, en dit word 'n #etiket. Wat is die gebruik van hierdie? Wel, #etikette is 'n goeie manier om die inhoud wat jou interesseer te vind, en om kennis te gee aan mense wat waarskynlik daarin geïnteresseerd is. Jy kan vir etikette soek deur hulle in die soekkassie te tik. Jy kan ook etikette volg, sodat enige plasings wat in daardie etikette geskep word in jou stroom sal vertoon – werklikheid, as jy die "Beskryf jouself in 5 woorde" deel van jou profiel bladsy ingevul het, volg jy reeds dié etikette!
    Plaas 'n # (allegaartjie) simbool voor 'n woord, en dit word 'n #etiket. Wat is die gebruik van hierdie? Wel, #etikette is 'n goeie manier om die inhoud wat jou interesseer te vind, en om kennis te gee aan mense wat waarskynlik daarin geïnteresseerd is. Jy kan vir etikette soek deur hulle in die soekkassie te tik. Jy kan ook etikette volg, sodat enige plasings wat in daardie etikette geskep word in jou stroom sal vertoon – werklikheid, as jy die "Beskryf jouself in 5 woorde" deel van jou profiel bladsy ingevul het, volg jy reeds dié etikette!

    Plaas 'n # (allegaartjie) simbool voor 'n woord, en dit word 'n #etiket. Wat is die gebruik van hierdie? Wel, #etikette is 'n goeie manier om die inhoud wat jou interesseer te vind, en om kennis te gee aan mense wat waarskynlik daarin geïnteresseerd is. Jy kan vir etikette soek deur hulle in die soekkassie te tik. Jy kan ook etikette volg, sodat enige plasings wat in daardie etikette geskep word in jou stroom sal vertoonwerklikheid, as jy die "Beskryf jouself in 5 woorde" deel van jou profiel bladsy ingevul het, volg jy reeds dié etikette!

    modifié par Dimig .
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