

  1. To try it out, why not make a public announcement that you’ve just arrived in diaspora*? This is a good way to get welcomed by people in our community, and to start to make connections.
    To try it out, why not make a public announcement that youve just arrived in diaspora*? This is a good way to get welcomed by people in our community, and to start to make connections.
    modifié via l’API .
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  2. To try it out, why not make a public announcement that you’ve just arrived in diaspora*? This is a good way to get welcomed by people in our community, and to start to make connections.
    To try it out, why not make a public announcement that youve just arrived in diaspora*? This is a good way to get welcomed by people in our community, and to start to make connections.
    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. Om dit te probeer, laat ons 'n openbare aankondiging maak dat jy net aangekom het in diaspora*? Dit is 'n goeie manier om verwelkom te wees deur mense in ons gemeenskap, en om verbindings begin te maak.
    Om dit te probeer, laat ons 'n openbare aankondiging maak dat jy net aangekom het in diaspora*? Dit is 'n goeie manier om verwelkom te wees deur mense in ons gemeenskap, en om verbindings begin te maak.

    Om dit te probeer, laat ons 'n openbare aankondiging maak dat jy net aangekom het in diaspora*? Dit is 'n goeie manier om verwelkom te wees deur mense in ons gemeenskap, en om verbindings begin te maak.

    modifié par Dimig .
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