

  1. diaspora* pioneered the concept of aspects, which enables you to organise your contacts according to their role in your life. This means you can share something just with family members or work colleagues, knowing that no one you don't want to will be able to see what you post.
    diaspora* pioneered the concept of aspects, which enables you to organise your contacts according to their role in your life. This means you can share something just with family members or work colleagues, knowing that no one you don't want to will be able to see what you post.
    modifié via l’API .
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  2. diaspora* pioneered the concept of aspects, which enables you to organise your contacts according to their role in your life. This means you can share something just with family members or work colleagues, knowing that no one you don't want to will be able to see what you post.
    diaspora* pioneered the concept of aspects, which enables you to organise your contacts according to their role in your life. This means you can share something just with family members or work colleagues, knowing that no one you don't want to will be able to see what you post.
    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. diaspora* pioneered the concept of aspects, which means you can organise your contacts according to their role in your life. This means you can share something just with family members or work colleagues, knowing that no one you don’t want to will be able to see what you post.
    diaspora* pioneered the concept of aspects, which means you can organise your contacts according to their role in your life. This means you can share something just with family members or work colleagues, knowing that no one you dont want to will be able to see what you post.
    modifié via l’API .
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  4. diaspora* pioneered the concept of aspects, which means you can organise your contacts according to their role in your life. This means you can share something just with family members or work colleagues, knowing that no one you don’t want to will be able to see what you post.
    diaspora* pioneered the concept of aspects, which means you can organise your contacts according to their role in your life. This means you can share something just with family members or work colleagues, knowing that no one you dont want to will be able to see what you post.
    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  5. diaspora* je průkopníkem konceptu aspektů, což znamená, že si můžete kontakty uspořádat podle jejich role ve vašem životě. To znamená, že můžete něco sdílet jen s rodinnými příslušníky nebo kolegy z práce, protože víte, že nikdo, koho nechcete, neuvidí, co zveřejňujete.
    diaspora* je průkopníkem konceptu aspektů, což znamená, že si můžete kontakty uspořádat podle jejich role ve vašem životě. To znamená, že můžete něco sdílet jen s rodinnými příslušníky nebo kolegy z práce, protože víte, že nikdo, koho nechcete, neuvidí, co zveřejňujete.

    diaspora* je průkopníkem konceptu aspektů, což znamená, že si můžete kontakty uspořádat podle jejich role ve vašem životě. To znamená, že můžete něco sdílet jen s rodinnými příslušníky nebo kolegy z práce, protože víte, že nikdo, koho nechcete, neuvidí, co zveřejňujete.

    modifié par J. Podhorecky .
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