

  1. Choose a name for the new aspect. This might reflect the common connection between these people, perhaps “Creative writing,” “Football,” or “Activists;” but you can call it whatever you like. No one else will ever be able to see the names of your aspects, nor will your contacts know which aspect they are in. For this exercise, I suggest creating an aspect called “Diaspora,” into which you can place people you meet here.
    Choose a name for the new aspect. This might reflect the common connection between these people, perhapsCreative writing,” “Football,” orActivists;” but you can call it whatever you like. No one else will ever be able to see the names of your aspects, nor will your contacts know which aspect they are in. For this exercise, I suggest creating an aspect calledDiaspora,” into which you can place people you meet here.
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  2. Choose a name for the new aspect. This might reflect the common connection between these people, perhaps “Creative writing,” “Football,” or “Activists;” but you can call it whatever you like. No one else will ever be able to see the names of your aspects, nor will your contacts know which aspect they are in. For this exercise, I suggest creating an aspect called “Diaspora,” into which you can place people you meet here.
    Choose a name for the new aspect. This might reflect the common connection between these people, perhapsCreative writing,” “Football,” orActivists;” but you can call it whatever you like. No one else will ever be able to see the names of your aspects, nor will your contacts know which aspect they are in. For this exercise, I suggest creating an aspect calledDiaspora,” into which you can place people you meet here.
    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. When you sign up you are given four aspects: Family, Work, Friends and Acquaintances. Of course you won’t be able to sort all of your life into just four standard aspects, so the next thing we’re going to do is to add some aspects. You can also delete the default aspects if you want to.
    When you sign up you are given four aspects: Family, Work, Friends and Acquaintances. Of course you wont be able to sort all of your life into just four standard aspects, so the next thing were going to do is to add some aspects. You can also delete the default aspects if you want to.
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  4. Při registraci máte k dispozici čtyři aspekty: Rodina, Práce, Přátelé a Známí. Samozřejmě nebudete schopni roztřídit celý svůj život pouze do čtyř standardních aspektů, takže další věc, kterou uděláme, je přidání některých aspektů. Pokud chcete, můžete výchozí aspekty také odstranit.
    Při registraci máte k dispozici čtyři aspekty: Rodina, Práce, Přátelé a Známí. Samozřejmě nebudete schopni roztřídit celý svůj život pouze do čtyř standardních aspektů, takže další věc, kterou uděláme, je přidání některých aspektů. Pokud chcete, můžete výchozí aspekty také odstranit.

    Při registraci máte k dispozici čtyři aspekty: Rodina, Práce, Přátelé a Známí. Samozřejmě nebudete schopni roztřídit celý svůj život pouze do čtyř standardních aspektů, takže další věc, kterou uděláme, je přidání některých aspektů. Pokud chcete, můžete výchozí aspekty také odstranit.

    modifié par J. Podhorecky .
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