Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.
Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.
Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.
Inhoud-deling in diaspora* word gedoen via die uitgewer, wat aan die bokant van die middelste kolom op meeste van die bladsye in die diaspora* interface geleë is. Jy het waarskynlik reeds dit gekliek , en waarskynlik was jy het jy iets al geplaas! Dis maklik om 'n status boodskap te plaas. 'n Bietjie later in hierdie tutoriaal sal ons sommige van die meer komplekse dinge wat jy kan doen met die uitgewer verduidelik, maar laat ons begin met 'n inleiding.
Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.
Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.
Sharing content in diaspora* is done via the publisher, which is located at the top of the middle column on most pages in the diaspora* interface. You have probably already clicked it, and if you did you probably weren’t able to resist posting something! Posting a status message is as simple as can be. A bit later in this tutorial we’ll look at some of the more complex things you can do with the publisher, but let’s start with an introduction.
Inhoud-deling in diaspora* word gedoen via die uitgewer, wat aan die bokant van die middelste kolom op meeste van die bladsye in die diaspora* interface geleë is. Jy het waarskynlik reeds dit gekliek , en waarskynlik was jy het jy iets al geplaas! Dis maklik om 'n status boodskap te plaas. 'n Bietjie later in hierdie tutoriaal sal ons sommige van die meer komplekse dinge wat jy kan doen met die uitgewer verduidelik, maar laat ons begin met 'n inleiding.Inhoud-deling in diaspora* word gedoen via die uitgewer, wat aan die bokant van die middelste kolom op meeste van die bladsye in die diaspora* interface geleë is. Jy het waarskynlik reeds dit gekliek , en waarskynlik was jy het jy iets al geplaas! Dis maklik om 'n status boodskap te plaas. 'n Bietjie later in hierdie tutoriaal sal ons sommige van die meer komplekse dinge wat jy kan doen met die uitgewer verduidelik, maar laat ons begin met 'n inleiding.