Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn't matter whether you're an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.
Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.
Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.
Komunity lidí okolo svobodného softwaru jsou fascinující. V diaspora* věříme, že lidé by měli být ceněni za to, co dělají. Nezáleží na tom, jestli jsi skvělý programátor nebo jsi nikdy nic podobného nedělal. Přispívat k diaspoře* znamená, že se soustředíš na usilovné hledání takových řešení, která budou fungovat pro ostatní.
Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn't matter whether you're an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn't matter whether you're an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.
Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn't matter whether you're an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn't matter whether you're an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.
Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn't matter whether you're an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.
Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.
Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.
Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.
Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.
Komunity lidí okolo svobodného softwaru jsou fascinující. V diaspora* věříme, že lidé by měli být ceněni za to, co dělají. Nezáleží na tom, jestli jsi skvělý programátor nebo jsi nikdy nic podobného nedělal. Přispívat k diaspora* znamená, že se soustředíš na usilovné hledání takových řešení, která budou fungovat pro ostatní.Komunity lidí okolo svobodného softwaru jsou fascinující. V diaspora* věříme, že lidé by měli být ceněni za to, co dělají. Nezáleží na tom, jestli jsi skvělý programátor nebo jsi nikdy nic podobného nedělal. Přispívat k diaspora* znamená, že se soustředíš na usilovné hledání takových řešení, která budou fungovat pro ostatní.
Komunity lidí okolo svobodného softwaru jsou fascinující. V diaspora* věříme, že lidé by měli být ceněni za to, co dělají. Nezáleží na tom, jestli jsi skvělý programátor nebo jsi nikdy nic podobného nedělal. Přispívat k diaspoře* znamená, že se soustředíš na usilovné hledání takových řešení, která budou fungovat pro ostatní.Komunity lidí okolo svobodného softwaru jsou fascinující. V diaspora* věříme, že lidé by měli být ceněni za to, co dělají. Nezáleží na tom, jestli jsi skvělý programátor nebo jsi nikdy nic podobného nedělal. Přispívat k diaspoře* znamená, že se soustředíš na usilovné hledání takových řešení, která budou fungovat pro ostatní.