

  1. When you click the sign-up link you will be presented with a page on which you need to enter a user name, e-mail address and password. Think carefully when choosing your user name as you cannot change this at a later date.
    When you click the sign-up link you will be presented with a page on which you need to enter a user name, e-mail address and password. Think carefully when choosing your user name as you cannot change this at a later date.

    When you click the sign-up link you will be presented with a page on which you need to enter a user name, e-mail address and password. Think carefully when choosing your user name as you cannot change this at a later date.

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. When you click the sign-up link you will be presented with a page on which you need to enter a user name, e-mail address and password. Think carefully when choosing your user name as you cannot change this at a later date.
    When you click the sign-up link you will be presented with a page on which you need to enter a user name, e-mail address and password. Think carefully when choosing your user name as you cannot change this at a later date.

    When you click the sign-up link you will be presented with a page on which you need to enter a user name, e-mail address and password. Think carefully when choosing your user name as you cannot change this at a later date.

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. When you click the sign-up link you will be presented with a page on which you need to enter a user name, e-mail address and password. Think carefully when choosing your user name as you won’t be able to change it once it’s been created
    When you click the sign-up link you will be presented with a page on which you need to enter a user name, e-mail address and password. Think carefully when choosing your user name as you won’t be able to change it once it’s been created

    When you click the sign-up link you will be presented with a page on which you need to enter a user name, e-mail address and password. Think carefully when choosing your user name as you wont be able to change it once its been created

    modifié via l’API .
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  4. Po kliknutí na odkaz pro registraci se zobrazí stránka, na které je třeba zadat uživatelské jméno, e-mailovou adresu a heslo. Výběr uživatelského jména si dobře rozmyslete, protože po jeho vytvoření jej již nebudete moci změnit.
    Po kliknutí na odkaz pro registraci se zobrazí stránka, na které je třeba zadat uživatelské jméno, e-mailovou adresu a heslo. Výběr uživatelského jména si dobře rozmyslete, protože po jeho vytvoření jej již nebudete moci změnit.
    modifié par J. Podhorecky .
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