

  1. If you want to meet and be welcomed by the diaspora* community and are feeling confident enough, make a <strong>public</strong> post now to introduce yourself and include the <span class="click">#newhere</span> tag. Making public posts containing tags is a great way to make new friends on diaspora*. If you’re not sure about doing this now, don’t worry – we’ll take you through your first post step by step in %{part5_link}.
    If you want to meet and be welcomed by the diaspora* community and are feeling confident enough, make a <strong>public</strong> post now to introduce yourself and include the <span class="click">#newhere</span> tag. Making public posts containing tags is a great way to make new friends on diaspora*. If you’re not sure about doing this now, don’t worry – we’ll take you through your first post step by step in %{part5_link}.

    If you want to meet and be welcomed by the diaspora* community and are feeling confident enough, make a <strong>public</strong> post now to introduce yourself and include the <span class="click">#newhere</span> tag. Making public posts containing tags is a great way to make new friends on diaspora*. If youre not sure about doing this now, dont worrywell take you through your first post step by step in %{part5_link}.

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. If you want to meet and be welcomed by the diaspora* community and are feeling confident enough, make a <strong>public</strong> post now to introduce yourself and include the <span class="click">#newhere</span> tag. Making public posts containing tags is a great way to make new friends on diaspora*. If you’re not sure about doing this now, don’t worry – we’ll take you through your first post step by step in %{part5_link}.
    If you want to meet and be welcomed by the diaspora* community and are feeling confident enough, make a <strong>public</strong> post now to introduce yourself and include the <span class="click">#newhere</span> tag. Making public posts containing tags is a great way to make new friends on diaspora*. If you’re not sure about doing this now, don’t worry – we’ll take you through your first post step by step in %{part5_link}.

    If you want to meet and be welcomed by the diaspora* community and are feeling confident enough, make a <strong>public</strong> post now to introduce yourself and include the <span class="click">#newhere</span> tag. Making public posts containing tags is a great way to make new friends on diaspora*. If youre not sure about doing this now, dont worrywell take you through your first post step by step in %{part5_link}.

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. If you want to meet and be welcomed by the diaspora* community and are feeling confident enough, make a <strong>public</strong> post now to introduce yourself and include the <span class="click">#newhere</span> tag. Making public posts containing tags is a great way to make new friends on diaspora*. If you’re not sure about doing this now, don’t worry – we’ll take you through your first post step by step in %{part_link}.
    If you want to meet and be welcomed by the diaspora* community and are feeling confident enough, make a <strong>public</strong> post now to introduce yourself and include the <span class="click">#newhere</span> tag. Making public posts containing tags is a great way to make new friends on diaspora*. If you’re not sure about doing this now, don’t worry – we’ll take you through your first post step by step in %{part_link}.

    If you want to meet and be welcomed by the diaspora* community and are feeling confident enough, make a <strong>public</strong> post now to introduce yourself and include the <span class="click">#newhere</span> tag. Making public posts containing tags is a great way to make new friends on diaspora*. If youre not sure about doing this now, dont worrywell take you through your first post step by step in %{part_link}.

    modifié via l’API .
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  4. Pokud se chcete setkat a být vítáni komunitou diaspory* a cítíte se dostatečně sebevědomě, zveřejněte <strong>veřejný</strong> příspěvek, ve kterém se představíte a přidejte tag <span class="click">#newhere</span>. Vytváření veřejných příspěvků obsahujících štítky je skvělý způsob, jak získat nové přátele v diaspoře*. Pokud si nejste jisti, jak to udělat nyní, nebojte se – krok za krokem vás provedeme vaším prvním příspěvkem v %{part_link}.
    Pokud se chcete setkat a být vítáni komunitou diaspory* a cítíte se dostatečně sebevědomě, zveřejněte <strong>veřejný</strong> příspěvek, ve kterém se představíte a přidejte tag <span class="click">#newhere</span>. Vytváření veřejných příspěvků obsahujících štítky je skvělý způsob, jak získat nové přátele v diaspoře*. Pokud si nejste jisti, jak to udělat nyní, nebojte sekrok za krokem vás provedeme vaším prvním příspěvkem v %{part_link}.
    modifié par J. Podhorecky .
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