If you post a status message from the Aspects page, the aspects selected in the left-hand menu will be automatically selected in the publisher. For example, if the Friends, Family and Work aspects are selected in the list, when you click in the publisher window you’ll see that the Aspects selector button reads “In 3 aspects.”
If you post a status message from the Aspects page, the aspects selected in the left-hand menu will be automatically selected in the publisher. For example, if the Friends, Family and Work aspects are selected in the list, when you click inside the publisher window you’ll see that the Aspects selector button reads “In 3 aspects.”
If you post a status message from the Aspects page, the aspects selected in the left-hand menu will be automatically selected in the publisher. For example, if the Friends, Family and Work aspects are selected in the list, when you click inside the publisher window you’ll see that the Aspects selector button reads “In 3 aspects.”
Pokud odešlete stavovou zprávu ze stránky Aspekty, aspekty vybrané v nabídce nalevo budou automaticky vybrány ve vydavateli. Pokud jsou například v seznamu vybrány aspekty Přátelé, Rodina a Práce, po kliknutí do okna vydavatele uvidíte, že na tlačítku pro výběr aspektů je uvedeno „Ve 3 aspektech“.
If you post a status message from the Aspects page, the aspects selected in the left-hand menu will be automatically selected in the publisher. For example, if the Friends, Family and Work aspects are selected in the list, when you click in the publisher window you’ll see that the Aspects selector button reads “In 3 aspects.”If you post a status message from the Aspects page, the aspects selected in the left-hand menu will be automatically selected in the publisher. For example, if the Friends, Family and Work aspects are selected in the list, when you click in the publisher window you’ll see that the Aspects selector button reads “In 3 aspects.”
If you post a status message from the Aspects page, the aspects selected in the left-hand menu will be automatically selected in the publisher. For example, if the Friends, Family and Work aspects are selected in the list, when you click in the publisher window you’ll see that the Aspects selector button reads “In 3 aspects.”If you post a status message from the Aspects page, the aspects selected in the left-hand menu will be automatically selected in the publisher. For example, if the Friends, Family and Work aspects are selected in the list, when you click in the publisher window you’ll see that the Aspects selector button reads “In 3 aspects.”
If you post a status message from the Aspects page, the aspects selected in the left-hand menu will be automatically selected in the publisher. For example, if the Friends, Family and Work aspects are selected in the list, when you click in the publisher window you’ll see that the Aspects selector button reads “In 3 aspects.”
If you post a status message from the Aspects page, the aspects selected in the left-hand menu will be automatically selected in the publisher. For example, if the Friends, Family and Work aspects are selected in the list, when you click inside the publisher window you’ll see that the Aspects selector button reads “In 3 aspects.”If you post a status message from the Aspects page, the aspects selected in the left-hand menu will be automatically selected in the publisher. For example, if the Friends, Family and Work aspects are selected in the list, when you click inside the publisher window you’ll see that the Aspects selector button reads “In 3 aspects.”
If you post a status message from the Aspects page, the aspects selected in the left-hand menu will be automatically selected in the publisher. For example, if the Friends, Family and Work aspects are selected in the list, when you click inside the publisher window you’ll see that the Aspects selector button reads “In 3 aspects.”
Pokud odešlete stavovou zprávu ze stránky Aspekty, aspekty vybrané v nabídce nalevo budou automaticky vybrány ve vydavateli. Pokud jsou například v seznamu vybrány aspekty Přátelé, Rodina a Práce, po kliknutí do okna vydavatele uvidíte, že na tlačítku pro výběr aspektů je uvedeno „Ve 3 aspektech“.Pokud odešlete stavovou zprávu ze stránky Aspekty, aspekty vybrané v nabídce nalevo budou automaticky vybrány ve vydavateli. Pokud jsou například v seznamu vybrány aspekty Přátelé, Rodina a Práce, po kliknutí do okna vydavatele uvidíte, že na tlačítku pro výběr aspektů je uvedeno „Ve 3 aspektech“.