

  1. Did you know you can grab someone’s attention by “mentioning” them? Simply type a @ symbol followed by the name of one of your contacts. As you start typing their name (their screen name, not their user name) it will automatically be completed by diaspora*. Hit enter or click the name in the auto-completer and you’ll notice that it has changed to their full name, and the @ symbol has disappeared. Don’t worry, though; this will become an @mention once you have posted the message. The person you are mentioning will receive a notification of the mention on their notification page, and by email if they have asked to receive email notification of mentions.
    Did you know you can grab someone’s attention by “mentioning” them? Simply type a @ symbol followed by the name of one of your contacts. As you start typing their name (their screen name, not their user name) it will automatically be completed by diaspora*. Hit enter or click the name in the auto-completer and you’ll notice that it has changed to their full name, and the @ symbol has disappeared. Don’t worry, though; this will become an @mention once you have posted the message. The person you are mentioning will receive a notification of the mention on their notification page, and by email if they have asked to receive email notification of mentions.

    Did you know you can grab someones attention bymentioningthem? Simply type a @ symbol followed by the name of one of your contacts. As you start typing their name (their screen name, not their user name) it will automatically be completed by diaspora*. Hit enter or click the name in the auto-completer and youll notice that it has changed to their full name, and the @ symbol has disappeared. Dont worry, though; this will become an @mention once you have posted the message. The person you are mentioning will receive a notification of the mention on their notification page, and by email if they have asked to receive email notification of mentions.

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. Did you know you can grab someone’s attention by “mentioning” them? Simply type a @ symbol followed by the name of one of your contacts. As you start typing their name (their screen name, not their user name) it will automatically be completed by diaspora*. Hit enter or click the name in the auto-completer and you’ll notice that it has changed to their full name, and the @ symbol has disappeared. Don’t worry, though; this will become an @mention once you have posted the message. The person you are mentioning will receive a notification of the mention on their notification page, and by email if they have asked to receive email notification of mentions.
    Did you know you can grab someone’s attention by “mentioning” them? Simply type a @ symbol followed by the name of one of your contacts. As you start typing their name (their screen name, not their user name) it will automatically be completed by diaspora*. Hit enter or click the name in the auto-completer and you’ll notice that it has changed to their full name, and the @ symbol has disappeared. Don’t worry, though; this will become an @mention once you have posted the message. The person you are mentioning will receive a notification of the mention on their notification page, and by email if they have asked to receive email notification of mentions.

    Did you know you can grab someones attention bymentioningthem? Simply type a @ symbol followed by the name of one of your contacts. As you start typing their name (their screen name, not their user name) it will automatically be completed by diaspora*. Hit enter or click the name in the auto-completer and youll notice that it has changed to their full name, and the @ symbol has disappeared. Dont worry, though; this will become an @mention once you have posted the message. The person you are mentioning will receive a notification of the mention on their notification page, and by email if they have asked to receive email notification of mentions.

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. Věděli jste, že můžete upoutat něčí pozornost tím, že se o něm „zmíníte“? Stačí napsat symbol @ následovaný jménem některého z vašich kontaktů. Jakmile začnete psát jeho jméno (jeho jméno na obrazovce, nikoli uživatelské jméno), bude automaticky doplněno diasporou*. Stiskněte klávesu enter nebo klikněte na jméno v automatickém dokončování a zjistíte, že se změnilo na jejich celé jméno a symbol @ zmizel. Nemějte však obavy; po odeslání zprávy se z něj stane @mention. Osoba, kterou zmiňujete, obdrží oznámení o zmínce na své oznamovací stránce a e-mailem, pokud požádala o zasílání oznámení o zmínkách e-mailem.
    Věděli jste, že můžete upoutat něčí pozornost tím, že se o němzmíníte“? Stačí napsat symbol @ následovaný jménem některého z vašich kontaktů. Jakmile začnete psát jeho jméno (jeho jméno na obrazovce, nikoli uživatelské jméno), bude automaticky doplněno diasporou*. Stiskněte klávesu enter nebo klikněte na jméno v automatickém dokončování a zjistíte, že se změnilo na jejich celé jméno a symbol @ zmizel. Nemějte však obavy; po odeslání zprávy se z něj stane @mention. Osoba, kterou zmiňujete, obdrží oznámení o zmínce na své oznamovací stránce a e-mailem, pokud požádala o zasílání oznámení o zmínkách e-mailem.
    modifié par J. Podhorecky .
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