Don’t forget that there are different content streams depending on which of the “views” you are using: <span class="click">
, <span class="click">
My Activity</span>
, <span class="click">
, <span class="click">
My Aspects</span>
or <span class="click">
#Followed Tags</span>
. While this alters which posts appear in your stream, you can interact with those posts in the same way in any of these views.
Don’t forget that there are different content streams depending on which of the “views” you are using: <span class="click">Stream</span>, <span class="click">My activity</span>, <span class="click">@Mentions</span>, <span class="click">My aspects</span> or <span class="click">#Followed tags</span>. While this alters which posts appear in your stream, you can interact with those posts in the same way in any of these views.
Don’t forget that there are different content streams depending on which of the “views” you are using:
<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
My activity</span>
,<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
My aspects</span>
or<span class="click">
#Followed tags</span>
. While this alters which posts appear in your stream, you can interact with those posts in the same way in any of these views.Nezapomeňte, že existují různé proudy obsahu podle toho, která ze „zobrazení“ používáte:<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
Moje aktivita</span>
,<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
Moje aspekty</span>
nebo<span class="click">
#Sledované značky</span>
. I když se tím změní, které příspěvky se zobrazí ve vašem proudu, můžete s těmito příspěvky pracovat stejným způsobem v kterémkoli z těchto zobrazení.
Don’t forget that there are different content streams depending on which of the “views” you are using: <span class="click">Stream</span>, <span class="click">My Activity</span>, <span class="click">@Mentions</span>, <span class="click">My Aspects</span> or <span class="click">#Followed Tags</span>. While this alters which posts appear in your stream, you can interact with those posts in the same way in any of these views.Don’t forget that there are different content streams depending on which of the “views” you are using: <span class="click">Stream</span>, <span class="click">My Activity</span>, <span class="click">@Mentions</span>, <span class="click">My Aspects</span> or <span class="click">#Followed Tags</span>. While this alters which posts appear in your stream, you can interact with those posts in the same way in any of these views.
Don’t forget that there are different content streams depending on which of the “views” you are using: <span class="click">Stream</span>, <span class="click">My Activity</span>, <span class="click">@Mentions</span>, <span class="click">My Aspects</span> or <span class="click">#Followed Tags</span>. While this alters which posts appear in your stream, you can interact with those posts in the same way in any of these views.Don’t forget that there are different content streams depending on which of the “views” you are using: <span class="click">Stream</span>, <span class="click">My Activity</span>, <span class="click">@Mentions</span>, <span class="click">My Aspects</span> or <span class="click">#Followed Tags</span>. While this alters which posts appear in your stream, you can interact with those posts in the same way in any of these views.
Don’t forget that there are different content streams depending on which of the “views” you are using:
<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
My Activity</span>
,<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
My Aspects</span>
or<span class="click">
#Followed Tags</span>
. While this alters which posts appear in your stream, you can interact with those posts in the same way in any of these views. -
Don’t forget that there are different content streams depending on which of the “views” you are using: <span class="click">Stream</span>, <span class="click">My activity</span>, <span class="click">@Mentions</span>, <span class="click">My aspects</span> or <span class="click">#Followed tags</span>. While this alters which posts appear in your stream, you can interact with those posts in the same way in any of these views.Don’t forget that there are different content streams depending on which of the “views” you are using: <span class="click">Stream</span>, <span class="click">My activity</span>, <span class="click">@Mentions</span>, <span class="click">My aspects</span> or <span class="click">#Followed tags</span>. While this alters which posts appear in your stream, you can interact with those posts in the same way in any of these views.
Don’t forget that there are different content streams depending on which of the “views” you are using:
<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
My activity</span>
,<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
My aspects</span>
or<span class="click">
#Followed tags</span>
. While this alters which posts appear in your stream, you can interact with those posts in the same way in any of these views. -
Nezapomeňte, že existují různé proudy obsahu podle toho, která ze „zobrazení“ používáte: <span class="click">Proud</span>, <span class="click">Moje aktivita</span>, <span class="click">@Mentions</span>, <span class="click">Moje aspekty</span> nebo <span class="click">#Sledované značky</span>. I když se tím změní, které příspěvky se zobrazí ve vašem proudu, můžete s těmito příspěvky pracovat stejným způsobem v kterémkoli z těchto zobrazení.Nezapomeňte, že existují různé proudy obsahu podle toho, která ze „zobrazení“ používáte:
<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
Moje aktivita</span>
,<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
Moje aspekty</span>
nebo<span class="click">
#Sledované značky</span>
. I když se tím změní, které příspěvky se zobrazí ve vašem proudu, můžete s těmito příspěvky pracovat stejným způsobem v kterémkoli z těchto zobrazení.