

  1. Notifications tend to take the form “Person A has commented on Person B’s post,” “Person A started sharing with you,” or “Person A has mentioned you in a post.” From this drop-down, you can:
    Notifications tend to take the form “Person A has commented on Person B’s post,” “Person A started sharing with you,” or “Person A has mentioned you in a post.” From this drop-down, you can:

    Notifications tend to take the formPerson A has commented on Person Bs post,” “Person A started sharing with you,” orPerson A has mentioned you in a post.” From this drop-down, you can:

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. Notifications tend to take the form “Person A has commented on Person B’s post,” “Person A started sharing with you,” or “Person A has mentioned you in a post.” From this drop-down, you can:
    Notifications tend to take the form “Person A has commented on Person B’s post,” “Person A started sharing with you,” or “Person A has mentioned you in a post.” From this drop-down, you can:

    Notifications tend to take the formPerson A has commented on Person Bs post,” “Person A started sharing with you,” orPerson A has mentioned you in a post.” From this drop-down, you can:

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. Notifications tend to take the form “Person A commented on Person B’s post,” “Person A started sharing with you,” or “Person A has mentioned you in a post.” From this list, you can:
    Notifications tend to take the form “Person A commented on Person B’s post,” “Person A started sharing with you,” or “Person A has mentioned you in a post.” From this list, you can:

    Notifications tend to take the formPerson A commented on Person Bs post,” “Person A started sharing with you,” orPerson A has mentioned you in a post.” From this list, you can:

    modifié via l’API .
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  4. Oznámení mají obvykle podobu „Osoba A komentovala příspěvek osoby B“, „Osoba A s vámi začala sdílet“ nebo „Osoba A vás zmínila v příspěvku“. Z tohoto seznamu můžete:
    Oznámení mají obvykle podobuOsoba A komentovala příspěvek osoby B“, „Osoba A s vámi začala sdíletneboOsoba A vás zmínila v příspěvku“. Z tohoto seznamu můžete:
    modifié par J. Podhorecky .
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