

  1. The conversations page consists of two columns: on the left, a list of conversations you have been involved in; on the right, a view of the currently selected conversation (if any).
    The conversations page consists of two columns: on the left, a list of conversations you have been involved in; on the right, a view of the currently selected conversation (if any).

    The conversations page consists of two columns: on the left, a list of conversations you have been involved in; on the right, a view of the currently selected conversation (if any).

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. The conversations page consists of two columns: on the left, a list of conversations you have been involved in; on the right, a view of the currently selected conversation (if any).
    The conversations page consists of two columns: on the left, a list of conversations you have been involved in; on the right, a view of the currently selected conversation (if any).

    The conversations page consists of two columns: on the left, a list of conversations you have been involved in; on the right, a view of the currently selected conversation (if any).

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. The conversations page in the desktop interface consists of two columns: on the left, a list of conversations you have been involved in; on the right, a view of the currently selected conversation (if any).
    The conversations page in the desktop interface consists of two columns: on the left, a list of conversations you have been involved in; on the right, a view of the currently selected conversation (if any).

    The conversations page in the desktop interface consists of two columns: on the left, a list of conversations you have been involved in; on the right, a view of the currently selected conversation (if any).

    modifié via l’API .
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  4. Stránka konverzací v rozhraní plochy se skládá ze dvou sloupců: vlevo je seznam konverzací, kterých jste se účastnili, vpravo je zobrazení aktuálně vybrané konverzace (pokud existuje).
    Stránka konverzací v rozhraní plochy se skládá ze dvou sloupců: vlevo je seznam konverzací, kterých jste se účastnili, vpravo je zobrazení aktuálně vybrané konverzace (pokud existuje).
    modifié par J. Podhorecky .
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