

  1. Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide! We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If you have any questions, feel free to make a public post on diaspora* including the
    Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide! We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If you have any questions, feel free to make a public post on diaspora* including the

    Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide! We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If you have any questions, feel free to make a public post on diaspora* including the 

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  2. Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide! We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If you have any questions, feel free to make a public post on diaspora* including the
    Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide! We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If you have any questions, feel free to make a public post on diaspora* including the

    Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide! We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If you have any questions, feel free to make a public post on diaspora* including the 

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide! We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If you have any questions, feel free to make a public post on diaspora* including the <span class="click">#help</span> and <span class="click">#question</click> tags so that other community members can try to help you. There’s a wonderful, generous community out there!
    Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide! We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If you have any questions, feel free to make a public post on diaspora* including the <span class="click">#help</span> and <span class="click">#question</click> tags so that other community members can try to help you. There’s a wonderful, generous community out there!

    Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide! We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If you have any questions, feel free to make a public post on diaspora* including the <span class="click">#help</span> and <span class="click">#question</click> tags so that other community members can try to help you. Theres a wonderful, generous community out there!

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  4. Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide! We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If you have any questions, feel free to make a public post on diaspora* including the <span class="click">#help</span> and <span class="click">#question</click> tags so that other community members can try to help you. There’s a wonderful, generous community out there!
    Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide! We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If you have any questions, feel free to make a public post on diaspora* including the <span class="click">#help</span> and <span class="click">#question</click> tags so that other community members can try to help you. There’s a wonderful, generous community out there!

    Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide! We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If you have any questions, feel free to make a public post on diaspora* including the <span class="click">#help</span> and <span class="click">#question</click> tags so that other community members can try to help you. Theres a wonderful, generous community out there!

    modifié par Jonne Haß .
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  5. That’s all, folks! Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide. We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If there’s anything else you want to know about any aspect of using diaspora*, try our in-app help section – go to your user menu in the header bar and select <span class="click">Help</span> from the drop-down menu.
    That’s all, folks! Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide. We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If there’s anything else you want to know about any aspect of using diaspora*, try our in-app help section – go to your user menu in the header bar and select <span class="click">Help</span> from the drop-down menu.

    Thats all, folks! Thanks a lot for reading this getting started guide. We hope it has been useful to you and that you now feel comfortable using diaspora* as your new online home. If theres anything else you want to know about any aspect of using diaspora*, try our in-app help sectiongo to your user menu in the header bar and select <span class="click">Help</span> from the drop-down menu.

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  6. To je vše, lidi! Děkujeme, že jste si přečetli tuto příručku Začínáme. Doufáme, že to pro vás bylo užitečné a že se nyní cítíte pohodlně používat diasporu* jako svůj nový online domov. Pokud se chcete dozvědět něco dalšího o jakémkoli aspektu používání diaspory*, vyzkoušejte naši sekci nápovědy v aplikaci – přejděte do své uživatelské nabídky v záhlaví a z rozbalovací nabídky vyberte <span class="click">Nápověda</span>.
    To je vše, lidi! Děkujeme, že jste si přečetli tuto příručku Začínáme. Doufáme, že to pro vás bylo užitečné a že se nyní cítíte pohodlně používat diasporu* jako svůj nový online domov. Pokud se chcete dozvědět něco dalšího o jakémkoli aspektu používání diaspory*, vyzkoušejte naši sekci nápovědy v aplikacipřejděte do své uživatelské nabídky v záhlaví a z rozbalovací nabídky vyberte <span class="click">Nápověda</span>.
    modifié par J. Podhorecky .
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