

  1. The first thing to note is that you must use two line breaks between paragraphs (except items in a list), otherwise the paragraps will run together. If you really want just one line break between two paragraphs, add two spaces at the end of the first paragraph.
    The first thing to note is that you must use two line breaks between paragraphs (except items in a list), otherwise the paragraps will run together. If you really want just one line break between two paragraphs, add two spaces at the end of the first paragraph.

    The first thing to note is that you must use two line breaks between paragraphs (except items in a list), otherwise the paragraps will run together. If you really want just one line break between two paragraphs, add two spaces at the end of the first paragraph.

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. The first thing to note is that you must use two line breaks between paragraphs (except items in a list), otherwise the paragraps will run together. If you really want just one line break between two paragraphs, add two spaces at the end of the first paragraph.
    The first thing to note is that you must use two line breaks between paragraphs (except items in a list), otherwise the paragraps will run together. If you really want just one line break between two paragraphs, add two spaces at the end of the first paragraph.

    The first thing to note is that you must use two line breaks between paragraphs (except items in a list), otherwise the paragraps will run together. If you really want just one line break between two paragraphs, add two spaces at the end of the first paragraph.

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. V první řadě je třeba si uvědomit, že mezi odstavci (s výjimkou položek v seznamu) je nutné použít dva řádkové zlomy, jinak se odstavce spojí dohromady. Pokud chcete mezi dvěma odstavci opravdu jen jeden řádkový zlom, přidejte na konec prvního odstavce dvě mezery.
    V první řadě je třeba si uvědomit, že mezi odstavci (s výjimkou položek v seznamu) je nutné použít dva řádkové zlomy, jinak se odstavce spojí dohromady. Pokud chcete mezi dvěma odstavci opravdu jen jeden řádkový zlom, přidejte na konec prvního odstavce dvě mezery.
    modifié par J. Podhorecky .
    Copier dans le presse-papier