

  1. The icon at the bottom right of the publisher that looks like a graph enables you to add a poll to your post. Click it and a box will open into which you can enter a question you want to poll people on, and two or more answers for them to give. Each time you enter an answer in the last field, another will appear below, so you can give as many answer options as you like.
    The icon at the bottom right of the publisher that looks like a graph enables you to add a poll to your post. Click it and a box will open into which you can enter a question you want to poll people on, and two or more answers for them to give. Each time you enter an answer in the last field, another will appear below, so you can give as many answer options as you like.

    The icon at the bottom right of the publisher that looks like a graph enables you to add a poll to your post. Click it and a box will open into which you can enter a question you want to poll people on, and two or more answers for them to give. Each time you enter an answer in the last field, another will appear below, so you can give as many answer options as you like.

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. L'icône en forme de graphique en bas à droite vous permet d'ajouter un sondage à votre message. Cliquez sur l'icône et une boite s'affiche afin de poser votre question et y renseigner les réponses possibles. À chaque champ remplit, un autre s'ajoute afin de vous permettre de proposer d'autres réponses possibles.
    L'icône en forme de graphique en bas à droite vous permet d'ajouter un sondage à votre message. Cliquez sur l'icône et une boite s'affiche afin de poser votre question et y renseigner les réponses possibles. À chaque champ remplit, un autre s'ajoute afin de vous permettre de proposer d'autres réponses possibles.
    modifié par arpinux .
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