

  1. diaspora* has a self-governing community standard called NSFW (not safe for work). If you’re likely to post much material which may not be suitable for everyone to view at their office desk (perhaps with their boss standing behind them), please consider checking the NSFW box. This will hide your posts from people’s streams behind a notice that the post is marked as NSFW. They can then click this notice to view your post if they wish.
    diaspora* has a self-governing community standard called NSFW (not safe for work). If you’re likely to post much material which may not be suitable for everyone to view at their office desk (perhaps with their boss standing behind them), please consider checking the NSFW box. This will hide your posts from people’s streams behind a notice that the post is marked as NSFW. They can then click this notice to view your post if they wish.

    diaspora* has a self-governing community standard called NSFW (not safe for work). If youre likely to post much material which may not be suitable for everyone to view at their office desk (perhaps with their boss standing behind them), please consider checking the NSFW box. This will hide your posts from peoples streams behind a notice that the post is marked as NSFW. They can then click this notice to view your post if they wish.

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. diaspora* utilise le standard auto-géré NSFW (Not Safe For Work). Si vous comptez poster des messages inadpatés au travail de bureau (surtout avec le patron derrière votre dos), envisagez de cocher la case NSFW. Ceci masquera vos messages derrière une notice NSFW cliquable pour afficher le message complet.
    diaspora* utilise le standard auto-géré NSFW (Not Safe For Work). Si vous comptez poster des messages inadpatés au travail de bureau (surtout avec le patron derrière votre dos), envisagez de cocher la case NSFW. Ceci masquera vos messages derrière une notice NSFW cliquable pour afficher le message complet.
    modifié par arpinux .
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