diaspora* lets you stay connected with your friends, even if they're not yet on diaspora*. Simply connect your account to other major services, then use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on these other services too. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts, with more to come soon.
Use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on other major social services. This way your friends will still be able to keep in touch with what you’re up to, even if they’re not yet on diaspora*. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Twitter, Tumblr, and WordPress accounts, with more to come.
Use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on other major social services. This way your friends will still be able to keep in touch with what you’re up to, even if they’re not yet on diaspora*. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Twitter, Tumblr, and WordPress accounts, with more to come.
Használd a diasporát* fő hálózatodként, ahonnan a többi közösségi hálózatra is megosztod a tartalmakat. Így azon barátaid is követhetnek téged, akik egyébként nem a diaspora* tagjai. A diaspora* jelenleg a Facebook, Twitter és Tumblr fiókjaidat tudja kezelni, a támogatott hálózatok köre azonban hamarosan tovább bővül.
diaspora* lets you stay connected with your friends, even if they're not yet on diaspora*. Simply connect your account to other major services, then use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on these other services too. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts, with more to come soon.diaspora* lets you stay connected with your friends, even if they're not yet on diaspora*. Simply connect your account to other major services, then use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on these other services too. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts, with more to come soon.
diaspora* lets you stay connected with your friends, even if they're not yet on diaspora*. Simply connect your account to other major services, then use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on these other services too. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts, with more to come soon.diaspora* lets you stay connected with your friends, even if they're not yet on diaspora*. Simply connect your account to other major services, then use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on these other services too. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts, with more to come soon.
diaspora* lets you stay connected with your friends, even if they're not yet on diaspora*. Simply connect your account to other major services, then use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on these other services too. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts, with more to come soon.
Use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on other major social services. This way your friends will still be able to keep in touch with what you’re up to, even if they’re not yet on diaspora*. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts, with more to come.Use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on other major social services. This way your friends will still be able to keep in touch with what you’re up to, even if they’re not yet on diaspora*. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts, with more to come.
Use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on other major social services. This way your friends will still be able to keep in touch with what you’re up to, even if they’re not yet on diaspora*. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts, with more to come.
Use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on other major social services. This way your friends will still be able to keep in touch with what you’re up to, even if they’re not yet on diaspora*. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts, with more to come.Use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on other major social services. This way your friends will still be able to keep in touch with what you’re up to, even if they’re not yet on diaspora*. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts, with more to come.
Use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on other major social services. This way your friends will still be able to keep in touch with what you’re up to, even if they’re not yet on diaspora*. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts, with more to come.
Használd a diasporát* fő hálózatodként, ahonnan a többi közösségi hálózatra is megosztod a tartalmakat. Így azon barátaid is követhetnek téged, akik egyébként nem a diaspora* tagjai. A diaspora* jelenleg a Facebook, Twitter és Tumblr fiókjaidat tudja kezelni, a támogatott hálózatok köre azonban hamarosan tovább bővül.Használd a diasporát* fő hálózatodként, ahonnan a többi közösségi hálózatra is megosztod a tartalmakat. Így azon barátaid is követhetnek téged, akik egyébként nem a diaspora* tagjai. A diaspora* jelenleg a Facebook, Twitter és Tumblr fiókjaidat tudja kezelni, a támogatott hálózatok köre azonban hamarosan tovább bővül.
Use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on other major social services. This way your friends will still be able to keep in touch with what you’re up to, even if they’re not yet on diaspora*. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Twitter, Tumblr, and WordPress accounts, with more to come.Use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on other major social services. This way your friends will still be able to keep in touch with what you’re up to, even if they’re not yet on diaspora*. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Twitter, Tumblr, and WordPress accounts, with more to come.
Use diaspora* as your home base to post to your profiles on other major social services. This way your friends will still be able to keep in touch with what you’re up to, even if they’re not yet on diaspora*. diaspora* currently supports cross-posting to your Twitter, Tumblr, and WordPress accounts, with more to come.
Használd a diasporát* fő hálózatodként, ahonnan a többi közösségi hálózatra is megosztod a tartalmakat. Így azon barátaid is követhetnek téged, akik egyébként nem a diaspora* tagjai. A diaspora* jelenleg a Facebook, Twitter és Tumblr fiókjaidat tudja kezelni, a támogatott hálózatok köre azonban hamarosan tovább bővül.Használd a diasporát* fő hálózatodként, ahonnan a többi közösségi hálózatra is megosztod a tartalmakat. Így azon barátaid is követhetnek téged, akik egyébként nem a diaspora* tagjai. A diaspora* jelenleg a Facebook, Twitter és Tumblr fiókjaidat tudja kezelni, a támogatott hálózatok köre azonban hamarosan tovább bővül.