

  1. If you change your mind, you can remove your “like” by clicking the <span class="click">Unlike</span> link which is now visible. But be aware that the person whose post you originally liked has already been sent a notification!
    If you change your mind, you can remove your “like” by clicking the <span class="click">Unlike</span> link which is now visible. But be aware that the person whose post you originally liked has already been sent a notification!

    If you change your mind, you can remove yourlikeby clicking the <span class="click">Unlike</span> link which is now visible. But be aware that the person whose post you originally liked has already been sent a notification!

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. If you change your mind, you can remove your “like” by clicking the <span class="click">Unlike</span> link which is now visible. But be aware that the person whose post you originally liked has already been sent a notification!
    If you change your mind, you can remove your “like” by clicking the <span class="click">Unlike</span> link which is now visible. But be aware that the person whose post you originally liked has already been sent a notification!

    If you change your mind, you can remove yourlikeby clicking the <span class="click">Unlike</span> link which is now visible. But be aware that the person whose post you originally liked has already been sent a notification!

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. Als je van mening verandert, dan kun je je "leukje" verwijderen door op de <span class="click">Loslaten</span> link te klikken. Maar vergeet niet dat de schrijver van het bericht dat je eerder leuk vond, daar toen een melding van kreeg.
    Als je van mening verandert, dan kun je je "leukje" verwijderen door op de <span class="click">Loslaten</span> link te klikken. Maar vergeet niet dat de schrijver van het bericht dat je eerder leuk vond, daar toen een melding van kreeg.
    modifié par Meneer .
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