Place a # (hash) symbol in front of a word and it becomes a #tag. What’s the use of this? Well, #tags are a great way of finding content that interests you, and of bringing content to the attention of people who are likely to be interested in it. You can search for tags by typing them in the search field in the header. You can also follow tags, so that any posts containing those tags appear in your stream – in fact, if you filled out the “Describe yourself in 5 words” part of your profile page, you’re already following those tags!
Place a # (hash) symbol in front of a word and it becomes a #tag. What’s the use of this? Well, #tags are a great way of finding content that interests you, and of bringing content to the attention of people who are likely to be interested in it. You can search for tags by typing them in the search field in the header. You can also follow tags, so that any posts containing those tags appear in your stream – in fact, if you filled out the “Describe yourself in 5 words” part of your profile page, you’re already following those tags!
Place a # (hash) symbol in front of a word and it becomes a #tag. What’s the use of this? Well, #tags are a great way of finding content that interests you, and of bringing content to the attention of people who are likely to be interested in it. You can search for tags by typing them in the search field in the header. You can also follow tags, so that any posts containing those tags appear in your stream – in fact, if you filled out the “Describe yourself in 5 words” part of your profile page, you’re already following those tags!
Vendosni një simbol # (hash) përpara një fjale dhe bëhet një #etiketë. Pse duhet kjo? Ngaqë #etiketa janë një mënyrë e bukur për të gjetur lëndë që ju intereson, dhe për ta sjellë lëndën në vëmendjen e personave që ka gjasa t’u interesojë. Për etiketa mund të kërkoni duke i shtypur ato te fusha e kërkimeve, në krye. Etiketat edhe mund t’i ndiqni, kështu çdo postim që i përmban këto etiketa shfaqet te rrjedha juaj – në fakt, nëse e plotësuat pjesën “Përshkruani veten me 5 fjalë” të faqes së profilit tuaj, i ndiqni tashmë këto etiketa!
Place a # (hash) symbol in front of a word and it becomes a #tag. What’s the use of this? Well, #tags are a great way of finding content that interests you, and of bringing content to the attention of people who are likely to be interested in it. You can search for tags by typing them in the search field in the header. You can also follow tags, so that any posts containing those tags appear in your stream – in fact, if you filled out the “Describe yourself in 5 words” part of your profile page, you’re already following those tags!Place a # (hash) symbol in front of a word and it becomes a #tag. What’s the use of this? Well, #tags are a great way of finding content that interests you, and of bringing content to the attention of people who are likely to be interested in it. You can search for tags by typing them in the search field in the header. You can also follow tags, so that any posts containing those tags appear in your stream – in fact, if you filled out the “Describe yourself in 5 words” part of your profile page, you’re already following those tags!
Place a # (hash) symbol in front of a word and it becomes a #tag. What’s the use of this? Well, #tags are a great way of finding content that interests you, and of bringing content to the attention of people who are likely to be interested in it. You can search for tags by typing them in the search field in the header. You can also follow tags, so that any posts containing those tags appear in your stream – in fact, if you filled out the “Describe yourself in 5 words” part of your profile page, you’re already following those tags!Place a # (hash) symbol in front of a word and it becomes a #tag. What’s the use of this? Well, #tags are a great way of finding content that interests you, and of bringing content to the attention of people who are likely to be interested in it. You can search for tags by typing them in the search field in the header. You can also follow tags, so that any posts containing those tags appear in your stream – in fact, if you filled out the “Describe yourself in 5 words” part of your profile page, you’re already following those tags!
Place a # (hash) symbol in front of a word and it becomes a #tag. What’s the use of this? Well, #tags are a great way of finding content that interests you, and of bringing content to the attention of people who are likely to be interested in it. You can search for tags by typing them in the search field in the header. You can also follow tags, so that any posts containing those tags appear in your stream – in fact, if you filled out the “Describe yourself in 5 words” part of your profile page, you’re already following those tags!
Vendosni një simbol # (hash) përpara një fjale dhe bëhet një #etiketë. Pse duhet kjo? Ngaqë #etiketa janë një mënyrë e bukur për të gjetur lëndë që ju intereson, dhe për ta sjellë lëndën në vëmendjen e personave që ka gjasa t’u interesojë. Për etiketa mund të kërkoni duke i shtypur ato te fusha e kërkimeve, në krye. Etiketat edhe mund t’i ndiqni, kështu çdo postim që i përmban këto etiketa shfaqet te rrjedha juaj – në fakt, nëse e plotësuat pjesën “Përshkruani veten me 5 fjalë” të faqes së profilit tuaj, i ndiqni tashmë këto etiketa!Vendosni një simbol # (hash) përpara një fjale dhe bëhet një #etiketë. Pse duhet kjo? Ngaqë #etiketa janë një mënyrë e bukur për të gjetur lëndë që ju intereson, dhe për ta sjellë lëndën në vëmendjen e personave që ka gjasa t’u interesojë. Për etiketa mund të kërkoni duke i shtypur ato te fusha e kërkimeve, në krye. Etiketat edhe mund t’i ndiqni, kështu çdo postim që i përmban këto etiketa shfaqet te rrjedha juaj – në fakt, nëse e plotësuat pjesën “Përshkruani veten me 5 fjalë” të faqes së profilit tuaj, i ndiqni tashmë këto etiketa!