Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.
Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.
Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.
Ta zëmë se ju pëlqen të gatuani dhe postoni një mesazh me “#gatim” në të. Cilido që ndjek etiketën #gatim tani do të shohë të shfaqet postimi juaj në rrjedhën e tij. Sigurisht, që postimin tuaj ta shohë cilido ndjekës i #gatimit, duhet ta bëni një postim publik; nëse e keni vendosur nën një ose disa aspekte, vetëm personat në këto aspekte do të jenë në gjendje ta lexojnë. Mundeni edhe të kërkoni për “#gatim”, te shtylla e kërkimeve, dhe do t’ju shfaqet një listë me krejt postimet e etiketuara me “#gatim”. Në të përfshihen vetë postimet tuaja, postime nga shokë dhe postime publike nga diasporas të tjerë. Mund ta shihni që ky mund të jetë një mjet fantastik për gjetje lënde dhe ndarje të saj me persona që kanë interesa të përbashkëta me ju.
Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.
Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.
Say you like cooking and you post a message with “#cooking” in it. Anyone who follows the #cooking tag will now see your post appear in their streams. Of course for any follower of #cooking to see your post, you’ll have had to make it a public post; if you made it only to one or more aspects, only people in those aspects will be able to read it. You can also search for “#cooking” in the search bar, and you’ll be presented with a list of all posts tagged with “#cooking.” That includes your own posts, posts by friends and public posts by other diasporans. You can see how this can be a fantastic tool for finding and sharing content with people who share your interests.
Ta zëmë se ju pëlqen të gatuani dhe postoni një mesazh me “#gatim” në të. Cilido që ndjek etiketën #gatim tani do të shohë të shfaqet postimi juaj në rrjedhën e tij. Sigurisht, që postimin tuaj ta shohë cilido ndjekës i #gatimit, duhet ta bëni një postim publik; nëse e keni vendosur nën një ose disa aspekte, vetëm personat në këto aspekte do të jenë në gjendje ta lexojnë. Mundeni edhe të kërkoni për “#gatim”, te shtylla e kërkimeve, dhe do t’ju shfaqet një listë me krejt postimet e etiketuara me “#gatim”. Në të përfshihen vetë postimet tuaja, postime nga shokë dhe postime publike nga diasporas të tjerë. Mund ta shihni që ky mund të jetë një mjet fantastik për gjetje lënde dhe ndarje të saj me persona që kanë interesa të përbashkëta me ju.Ta zëmë se ju pëlqen të gatuani dhe postoni një mesazh me “#gatim” në të. Cilido që ndjek etiketën #gatim tani do të shohë të shfaqet postimi juaj në rrjedhën e tij. Sigurisht, që postimin tuaj ta shohë cilido ndjekës i #gatimit, duhet ta bëni një postim publik; nëse e keni vendosur nën një ose disa aspekte, vetëm personat në këto aspekte do të jenë në gjendje ta lexojnë. Mundeni edhe të kërkoni për “#gatim”, te shtylla e kërkimeve, dhe do t’ju shfaqet një listë me krejt postimet e etiketuara me “#gatim”. Në të përfshihen vetë postimet tuaja, postime nga shokë dhe postime publike nga diasporas të tjerë. Mund ta shihni që ky mund të jetë një mjet fantastik për gjetje lënde dhe ndarje të saj me persona që kanë interesa të përbashkëta me ju.