When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 140 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr, 63,206 for Facebook. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight the Twitter and Facebook logos, it will count down from 140 characters.
When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 280 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight both the Twitter and Tumblr logos, it will count down from 280 characters.
When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 280 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight both the Twitter and Tumblr logos, it will count down from 280 characters.
Kur zini të shkruani një mesazh me një ose më shumë nga këto ikona të theksuara, një numërator shenjash do të shfaqë se sa shenja keni ende: 280 për Twitter, 1000 për Tumblr. Në diaspora*, mund të postoi deri në 65535 shenja! Numëratori do të shfaqë përherë numrin e shenjave të mbetura për shërbimin e përzgjedhur që lejon më pak shenja nga të gjithë; pra, nëse zgjidhni Twitter dhe Tumblr, do të numërojë deri në plotësimin e 280 shenjave.
HTML knows a "saved space":
I'd recommend to add it in numbers larger than 999 to not allow a break between due to the browser.
I can't find &bnsp;: http://dev.w3.org/html5/html-author/charref
Do you mean the non-breaking space, ? I don't see a space in our numbers.
Eh, right, non-breaking space.
63,206 (en) -> 63_206 (de)
65,535 (en) -> 65_535 (de)Whereby I guess, Rails can handle this formatting pretty well …
When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 140 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr, 63,206 for Facebook. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight the Twitter and Facebook logos, it will count down from 140 characters.When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 140 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr, 63,206 for Facebook. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight the Twitter and Facebook logos, it will count down from 140 characters.
When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 140 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr, 63,206 for Facebook. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight the Twitter and Facebook logos, it will count down from 140 characters.When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 140 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr, 63,206 for Facebook. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight the Twitter and Facebook logos, it will count down from 140 characters.
When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 140 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr, 63,206 for Facebook. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight the Twitter and Facebook logos, it will count down from 140 characters.
When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 140 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr, 63,206 for Facebook. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight both the Twitter and Facebook logos, it will count down from 140 characters.When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 140 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr, 63,206 for Facebook. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight both the Twitter and Facebook logos, it will count down from 140 characters.
When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 140 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr, 63,206 for Facebook. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight both the Twitter and Facebook logos, it will count down from 140 characters.
When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 280 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr, 63,206 for Facebook. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight both the Twitter and Facebook logos, it will count down from 280 characters.When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 280 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr, 63,206 for Facebook. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight both the Twitter and Facebook logos, it will count down from 280 characters.
When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 280 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr, 63,206 for Facebook. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight both the Twitter and Facebook logos, it will count down from 280 characters.
When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 280 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight both the Twitter and Tumblr logos, it will count down from 280 characters.When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 280 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight both the Twitter and Tumblr logos, it will count down from 280 characters.
When you start writing a message with one of more of these icons highlighted, a character counter will show how many more characters are available to you: 280 for Twitter, 1000 for Tumblr. In diaspora*, you can post a whopping 65,535 characters! The counter will always display the number of characters remaining for the service selected which allows the fewest characters; so, if you highlight both the Twitter and Tumblr logos, it will count down from 280 characters.
Kur zini të shkruani një mesazh me një ose më shumë nga këto ikona të theksuara, një numërator shenjash do të shfaqë se sa shenja keni ende: 280 për Twitter, 1000 për Tumblr. Në diaspora*, mund të postoi deri në 65535 shenja! Numëratori do të shfaqë përherë numrin e shenjave të mbetura për shërbimin e përzgjedhur që lejon më pak shenja nga të gjithë; pra, nëse zgjidhni Twitter dhe Tumblr, do të numërojë deri në plotësimin e 280 shenjave.Kur zini të shkruani një mesazh me një ose më shumë nga këto ikona të theksuara, një numërator shenjash do të shfaqë se sa shenja keni ende: 280 për Twitter, 1000 për Tumblr. Në diaspora*, mund të postoi deri në 65535 shenja! Numëratori do të shfaqë përherë numrin e shenjave të mbetura për shërbimin e përzgjedhur që lejon më pak shenja nga të gjithë; pra, nëse zgjidhni Twitter dhe Tumblr, do të numërojë deri në plotësimin e 280 shenjave.