

  1. Embedding an image from the web into your message is similar to including a link. Click the <span class="click">image</span> button above the publisher window, and paste the URL of the image into the pop-up which appears. This will enter the URL into your post, wrapped in Markdown image code. Type some “alt text” (the text you want to appear in your message if the image can’t be displayed) over the highlighted text in square brackets. You can also add an optional title, which will be displayed as a tool-tip when the cursor is moved over the image.
    Embedding an image from the web into your message is similar to including a link. Click the <span class="click">image</span> button above the publisher window, and paste the URL of the image into the pop-up which appears. This will enter the URL into your post, wrapped in Markdown image code. Type some “alt text” (the text you want to appear in your message if the image can’t be displayed) over the highlighted text in square brackets. You can also add an optional title, which will be displayed as a tool-tip when the cursor is moved over the image.

    Embedding an image from the web into your message is similar to including a link. Click the <span class="click">image</span> button above the publisher window, and paste the URL of the image into the pop-up which appears.  This will enter the URL into your post, wrapped in Markdown image code. Type somealt text” (the text you want to appear in your message if the image cant be displayed) over the highlighted text in square brackets. You can also add an optional title, which will be displayed as a tool-tip when the cursor is moved over the image.

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. 把網路上的圖片嵌入你的訊息中就有點像是嵌入連結。按一下發表對話框上方的<span class="click">圖片</span>按鈕,這時候會出現彈出視窗,然後再貼上圖片的網址。這樣就會插入一段 Markdown 的圖片代碼,你可以在中括號之間輸入「替代文字」(當圖片無法顯示時,替代顯示的文字)。你也可以輸入圖片的標題,不過並不是必要,這是當你把游標停在圖片上時,會以浮動方塊顯示的文字。
    把網路上的圖片嵌入你的訊息中就有點像是嵌入連結按一下發表對話框上方的<span class="click">圖片</span>按鈕這時候會出現彈出視窗然後再貼上圖片的網址這樣就會插入一段 Markdown 的圖片代碼你可以在中括號之間輸入替代文字」(當圖片無法顯示時替代顯示的文字)。你也可以輸入圖片的標題不過並不是必要這是當你把游標停在圖片上時會以浮動方塊顯示的文字
    modifié par Yongjhen, Hong .
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