

  1. Also in the left-hand column is a link to the person’s uploaded photos, and any of their contacts which they have made visible to you (which is explained in the next part, “Aspects”).
    Also in the left-hand column is a link to the person’s uploaded photos, and any of their contacts which they have made visible to you (which is explained in the next part, “Aspects”).

    Also in the left-hand column is a link to the persons uploaded photos, and any of their contacts which they have made visible to you (which is explained in the next part, “Aspects”).

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. Also in the left-hand column is a link to the person’s uploaded photos, and any of their contacts which they have made visible to you (which is explained in the next part, “Aspects”).
    Also in the left-hand column is a link to the person’s uploaded photos, and any of their contacts which they have made visible to you (which is explained in the next part, “Aspects”).

    Also in the left-hand column is a link to the persons uploaded photos, and any of their contacts which they have made visible to you (which is explained in the next part, “Aspects”).

    modifié par Jonne Haß via une opération en batch.
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  3. Underneath the person’s name and ID are tabs to show their posts, their uploaded photos, and any of their contacts which they have made visible to you (which is explained in the next part, “Aspects”).
    Underneath the person’s name and ID are tabs to show their posts, their uploaded photos, and any of their contacts which they have made visible to you (which is explained in the next part, “Aspects”).

    Underneath the persons name and ID are tabs to show their posts, their uploaded photos, and any of their contacts which they have made visible to you (which is explained in the next part, “Aspects”).

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  4. At the top right you’ll find an aspects button: if the person is not in one of your aspects, it will read “Add contact;” if they are, it will be green and show the name of the aspect you’ve placed them in. Click it to add them to an aspect. If you are ignoring that person, the button will be red and will read “Stop ignoring.”
    At the top right you’ll find an aspects button: if the person is not in one of your aspects, it will read “Add contact;” if they are, it will be green and show the name of the aspect you’ve placed them in. Click it to add them to an aspect. If you are ignoring that person, the button will be red and will read “Stop ignoring.”

    At the top right youll find an aspects button: if the person is not in one of your aspects, it will readAdd contact;” if they are, it will be green and show the name of the aspect youve placed them in. Click it to add them to an aspect. If you are ignoring that person, the button will be red and will readStop ignoring.”

    modifié via l’API .
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  5. At the top right you’ll find an aspects button. If the person is not in one of your aspects, it will read “Add contact;” if they are, it will be green and show the name of the aspect you’ve placed them in. Click it to add them to an aspect. If you are ignoring that person, the button will be red and will read “Stop ignoring.”
    At the top right you’ll find an aspects button. If the person is not in one of your aspects, it will read “Add contact;” if they are, it will be green and show the name of the aspect you’ve placed them in. Click it to add them to an aspect. If you are ignoring that person, the button will be red and will read “Stop ignoring.”

    At the top right youll find an aspects button. If the person is not in one of your aspects, it will readAdd contact;” if they are, it will be green and show the name of the aspect youve placed them in. Click it to add them to an aspect. If you are ignoring that person, the button will be red and will readStop ignoring.”

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  6. 左上角有一個社交面按鈕。如果這個人不在你的社交面中,按鈕會顯示「加聯絡人」,如果有則會呈現綠色,並且顯示社交面的名稱。按這個按鈕可以把他們加進某個社交面中。如果你目前正在忽視這個人,按鈕會呈現紅色並且顯示「停止忽視」。
    modifié par Yongjhen, Hong .
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