Cerca un pod que te conveni. Tu poterea preferer un pod minus grande, o un pod que permitte duplicar tu entratas sur servicios externe (p.ex. Twitter), o un pod in tu vicinitate, o un pod situate in un pais con bon politicas de securitate de datos. Le option es tue! Tu pote mesmo %{host_yourself_link} si tu ha alcun habilitates como administrator de systema.
Cerca un pod que te conveni. Tu poterea preferer un pod minus grande, o un pod que permitte duplicar tu entratas sur servicios externe (p.ex. Twitter), o un pod in tu vicinitate, o un pod situate in un pais con bon politicas de securitate de datos. Le option es tue! Tu pote mesmo %{host_yourself_link} si tu ha alcun habilitates como administrator de systema.
Find a pod that suits you. You might prefer a smaller pod, one which allows cross-posting to external services (such as Twitter), one based near you, or one based in a country that you know has good data security policies... The choice is yours! You can even %{host_yourself_link} if you have some sysadmin skills.
Purged the translation for breakage.
Find a pod that suits you. You might prefer a smaller pod, or one based near where you live, or one based in a country that you know has good data security policies. The choice is yours! Choose from among our community pods, rated at %{poduptime}.Find a pod that suits you. You might prefer a smaller pod, or one based near where you live, or one based in a country that you know has good data security policies. The choice is yours! Choose from among our community pods, rated at %{poduptime}.
Find a pod that suits you. You might prefer a smaller pod, or one based near where you live, or one based in a country that you know has good data security policies. The choice is yours! Choose from among our community pods, rated at %{poduptime}.Find a pod that suits you. You might prefer a smaller pod, or one based near where you live, or one based in a country that you know has good data security policies. The choice is yours! Choose from among our community pods, rated at %{poduptime}.
Find a pod that suits you. You might prefer a smaller pod, or one based near where you live, or one based in a country that you know has good data security policies. The choice is yours! Choose from among our community pods, perhaps one based in your locality.Find a pod that suits you. You might prefer a smaller pod, or one based near where you live, or one based in a country that you know has good data security policies. The choice is yours! Choose from among our community pods, perhaps one based in your locality.
Find a pod that suits you. You might prefer a smaller pod, or one based near where you live, or one based in a country that you know has good data security policies. The choice is yours! Choose from among our community pods, perhaps one based in your locality.Find a pod that suits you. You might prefer a smaller pod, or one based near where you live, or one based in a country that you know has good data security policies. The choice is yours! Choose from among our community pods, perhaps one based in your locality.
Cerca un pod que te conveni. Tu poterea preferer un pod minus grande, o un pod in le vicinitate de tu casa, o un pod basate in un pais le qual tu sape que ha bon politicas de securitate de datos. Le option es tue! Elige inter nostre pods communitari, forsan un pod basate in tu localitate.Cerca un pod que te conveni. Tu poterea preferer un pod minus grande, o un pod in le vicinitate de tu casa, o un pod basate in un pais le qual tu sape que ha bon politicas de securitate de datos. Le option es tue! Elige inter nostre pods communitari, forsan un pod basate in tu localitate.
Cerca un pod que te conveni. Tu poterea preferer un pod minus grande, o un pod in le vicinitate de tu casa, o un pod basate in un pais le qual tu sape que ha bon politicas de securitate de datos. Le option es tue! Elige inter nostre pods communitari, forsan un pod basate in tu localitate.
Find a pod that suits you. You might prefer a smaller pod, one which allows cross-posting to external services (such as Twitter), one based near you, or one based in a country that you know has good data security policies... The choice is yours! You can even %{host_yourself_link} if you have some sysadmin skills.Find a pod that suits you. You might prefer a smaller pod, one which allows cross-posting to external services (such as Twitter), one based near you, or one based in a country that you know has good data security policies... The choice is yours! You can even %{host_yourself_link} if you have some sysadmin skills.
Cerca un pod que te conveni. Tu poterea preferer un pod minus grande, o un pod in le vicinitate de tu casa, o un pod basate in un pais le qual tu sape que ha bon politicas de securitate de datos. Le option es tue! Elige inter nostre pods communitari, forsan un pod basate in tu localitate.Cerca un pod que te conveni. Tu poterea preferer un pod minus grande, o un pod in le vicinitate de tu casa, o un pod basate in un pais le qual tu sape que ha bon politicas de securitate de datos. Le option es tue! Elige inter nostre pods communitari, forsan un pod basate in tu localitate.
Cerca un pod que te conveni. Tu poterea preferer un pod minus grande, o un pod in le vicinitate de tu casa, o un pod basate in un pais le qual tu sape que ha bon politicas de securitate de datos. Le option es tue! Elige inter nostre pods communitari, forsan un pod basate in tu localitate.
Cerca un pod que te conveni. Tu poterea preferer un pod minus grande, o un pod que permitte duplicar tu entratas sur servicios externe (p.ex. Twitter), o un pod in tu vicinitate, o un pod situate in un pais con bon politicas de securitate de datos. Le option es tue! Tu pote mesmo %{host_yourself_link} si tu ha alcun habilitates como administrator de systema.Cerca un pod que te conveni. Tu poterea preferer un pod minus grande, o un pod que permitte duplicar tu entratas sur servicios externe (p.ex. Twitter), o un pod in tu vicinitate, o un pod situate in un pais con bon politicas de securitate de datos. Le option es tue! Tu pote mesmo %{host_yourself_link} si tu ha alcun habilitates como administrator de systema.
Cerca un pod que te conveni. Tu poterea preferer un pod minus grande, o un pod que permitte duplicar tu entratas sur servicios externe (p.ex. Twitter), o un pod in tu vicinitate, o un pod situate in un pais con bon politicas de securitate de datos. Le option es tue! Tu pote mesmo %{host_yourself_link} si tu ha alcun habilitates como administrator de systema.