Tu pote tamben vider le pagina de profilo de un altere persona cliccante sur su nomine o avatar. Le quantitate de information de profilo e entratas de un persona que tu pote vider depende de quante informationes illa condivide con te.
Tu pote tamben vider le pagina de profilo de un altere persona cliccante sur su nomine o avatar. Le quantitate de information de profilo e entratas de un persona que tu pote vider depende de quante informationes illa condivide con te.
You can also view someone else’s profile page by clicking their name or avatar. How much of a person’s profile information and posts are made available to you depends on the type of sharing relationship they have with you. -
Si illa condivide con te, il habera un marca verde al latere de su ID de diaspora*. Si non, il habera un circulo gris.
Si illa condivide con te, il habera un marca verde al latere de su ID de diaspora*. Si non, il habera un circulo gris.
If they are sharing with you, there will be a green tick next to their diaspora* ID. If not, there will be a gray circle. -
In alto a sinistra se trova un button de aspectos. Si le persona non es in un de tu aspectos, le button indica "Adder contacto"; si illa lo es, le button es verde e indica le nomine del aspecto in le qual tu la ha placiate. Clicca sur illo pro adder la a un aspecto. Si tu ignora ille persona, le button es rubie e indica "Cessar de ignorar".
In alto a sinistra se trova un button de aspectos. Si le persona non es in un de tu aspectos, le button indica "Adder contacto"; si illa lo es, le button es verde e indica le nomine del aspecto in le qual tu la ha placiate. Clicca sur illo pro adder la a un aspecto. Si tu ignora ille persona, le button es rubie e indica "Cessar de ignorar".
At the top right you’ll find an aspects button. If the person is not in one of your aspects, it will read “Add contact;” if they are, it will be green and show the name of the aspect you’ve placed them in. Click it to add them to an aspect. If you are ignoring that person, the button will be red and will read “Stop ignoring.” -
Isto es tote lo que tu debe saper sur le interfacie pro le momento. Le prime cosa a facer es cercar alcun personas con qui comenciar a condivider cosas. Ma, ante de facer isto, que nos nos concentra a un characteristica prominente de diaspora*: <strong>aspectos</strong>.
Isto es tote lo que tu debe saper sur le interfacie pro le momento. Le prime cosa a facer es cercar alcun personas con qui comenciar a condivider cosas. Ma, ante de facer isto, que nos nos concentra a un characteristica prominente de diaspora*:
.That’s all you need to know about the interface for now. The first thing you will want to do is finding some people to start sharing with. However, before we get to that, let’s focus on something that features prominently throughout diaspora*:<strong>
. -
Considera tu vita e le personas que tu cognosce. Cata persona face parte de alcun aspecto de tu vita: pote esser un membro de tu familia, un amico intime, un collega de travalio, un consocio de sport o de musica, o simplemente un persona con qui tu ha un interesse particular in commun. Poterea esser alcuno con qui tu vole solmente condivider burlas in linea. Un persona poterea mesmo facer parte de plure tal aspectos de tu vita.
Considera tu vita e le personas que tu cognosce. Cata persona face parte de alcun aspecto de tu vita: pote esser un membro de tu familia, un amico intime, un collega de travalio, un consocio de sport o de musica, o simplemente un persona con qui tu ha un interesse particular in commun. Poterea esser alcuno con qui tu vole solmente condivider burlas in linea. Un persona poterea mesmo facer parte de plure tal aspectos de tu vita.
Think of your life and the people you know. Each person is a part of one or more aspects of your life. They might be a member of your family, a close friend, a work colleague or someone you play sport or music with or with whom you share a particular interest. They might be someone you just like sharing jokes with online. Or they might be part of more than one of these aspects of your life. -
diaspora* functiona exactemente in iste maniera. Tu pote mitter cata contacto in un o plure “aspectos” de diaspora*, dependente de qual aspecto(s) de tu vita ille face parte. In iste maniera, tu determina qual de tu contactos pote vider cata entrata que tu scribe in diaspora*, inviante lo a un certe aspecto o aspectos in particular. Isto vole dicer que tu pote facilemente condivider le cosas juste con le personas juste. Le signification del invio a aspectos se explicara in major detalio in le tres partes sequente de iste serie.
diaspora* functiona exactemente in iste maniera. Tu pote mitter cata contacto in un o plure “aspectos” de diaspora*, dependente de qual aspecto(s) de tu vita ille face parte. In iste maniera, tu determina qual de tu contactos pote vider cata entrata que tu scribe in diaspora*, inviante lo a un certe aspecto o aspectos in particular. Isto vole dicer que tu pote facilemente condivider le cosas juste con le personas juste. Le signification del invio a aspectos se explicara in major detalio in le tres partes sequente de iste serie.
diaspora* works in exactly the same way. You place contacts into one or more “aspects” of your life on diaspora* based on which aspect(s) of your life they are part of. In this way, you control which of your contacts sees each post you make to diaspora*, by posting to a particular aspect or aspects. This means that you can easily share the right things with the right people. We’ll explain more about what posting to aspects means over the next three parts of this series. -
Al creation de tu conto, tu es date quatro aspectos: Familia, Labor, Amicos e Cognoscitos. Naturalmente tu non potera classificar tote tu vita in solo quatro aspectos predefinite, dunque, le proxime cosa a facer es adder alcun aspectos. Tu pote tamben deler le aspectos predefinite si tu lo vole.
Al creation de tu conto, tu es date quatro aspectos: Familia, Labor, Amicos e Cognoscitos. Naturalmente tu non potera classificar tote tu vita in solo quatro aspectos predefinite, dunque, le proxime cosa a facer es adder alcun aspectos. Tu pote tamben deler le aspectos predefinite si tu lo vole.
When you sign up you are given four aspects: Family, Work, Friends and Acquaintances. Of course you won’t be able to sort all of your life into just four standard aspects, so the next thing we’re going to do is to add some aspects. You can also delete the default aspects if you want to. -
Clicca sur <span class="click">Mi aspectos</span> in le barra lateral pro facer apparer un lista de tu aspectos. Pro adder un aspecto, clicca sur <span class="click">+ Adder un aspecto</span> sub le lista de aspectos in le menu. Apparera un fenestra emergente.
Clicca sur
<span class="click">
Mi aspectos</span>
in le barra lateral pro facer apparer un lista de tu aspectos. Pro adder un aspecto, clicca sur<span class="click">
+ Adder un aspecto</span>
sub le lista de aspectos in le menu. Apparera un fenestra emergente.Click<span class="click">
My aspects</span>
in the sidebar and a list of your aspects will appear. To add an aspect, click<span class="click">
+ Add an aspect</span>
under the list of aspects in the menu. You will be presented with a pop-up window. -
Le guida usa un aspecto con nomine "Diaspora" como exemplo, ma tu pote dar a tu aspecto qualcunque nomine de tu preferentia.
Le guida usa un aspecto con nomine "Diaspora" como exemplo, ma tu pote dar a tu aspecto qualcunque nomine de tu preferentia.
This guide uses an aspect called “Diaspora” as an example, but give your aspect whatever name you want. -
Elige un nomine pro le nove aspecto. Iste pote reflecter le connexion commun inter iste personas, p.ex. "Scriptura creative", "Football" o "Activistas", ma tu pote appellar lo comocunque tu vole. <strong>Necuno altere potera jammais vider le nomines de tu aspectos, e tu contactos non sapera jammais a qual aspecto(s) tu les ha addite. Isto concerne solo te.</strong>
Elige un nomine pro le nove aspecto. Iste pote reflecter le connexion commun inter iste personas, p.ex. "Scriptura creative", "Football" o "Activistas", ma tu pote appellar lo comocunque tu vole.
Necuno altere potera jammais vider le nomines de tu aspectos, e tu contactos non sapera jammais a qual aspecto(s) tu les ha addite. Isto concerne solo te.</strong>
Choose a name for the new aspect. This might reflect the common connection between these people, perhaps “Creative writing,” “Football,” or “Activists,” but you can call it whatever you like.<strong>
No one else will ever be able to see the names of your aspects, and your contacts will never know which aspect(s) they are in. That is your business alone.</strong>
First, let’s look at the “My aspects” menu. From your stream, click
<span class="click">
My aspects</span>
in the sidebar. A list of your aspects will drop down, and you’ll see a stream containing only posts made by people you have placed into whichever aspects are selected in the list. If you’ve only just signed up, there will be just the four default aspects, and there might not yet be anyone in any of your aspects. We’ll fix that very soon! -
If you post a status message from the Aspects page, the aspects selected in the left-hand menu will be automatically selected in the publisher. For example, if the Friends, Family and Work aspects are selected in the list, when you click inside the publisher window you’ll see that the Aspects selector button reads “In 3 aspects.”
We mentioned your contacts page in %{part_link}. You’re here now, but the best way to get to your contacts page from other pages is go to your user menu from the header bar and select
<span class="click">
from the drop-down list. -
The contacts page displays a list of your aspects in the sidebar, and the people you have placed in those aspects in the main section. (The list of aspects appears at the top in the mobile view.)
If you are displaying contacts from all aspects (click
<span class="click">
My contacts</span>
in the sidebar), each contact will have a green button to its right showing which aspect(s) they have been placed in. If a contact is in more than one aspect, the button will read “In<em>
aspects.” Click the button to see which aspects those are. -
The main thing to remember is that
no one</strong>
will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person. -
When you have found the person you are looking for, click the
<span class="click">
Add contact</span>
button. -
If the person you want to start sharing with appears in the list of suggestions, just select their name to get to their profile page and click the
<span class="click">
Add contact</span>
button from there. -
You can also remove a person from your aspects via your contacts page, which we covered at the end of %{part_link}.
You can communicate via diaspora* either by sharing a status message with a group of followers, or even to the whole of diaspora*; or by sending a private message to one or more mutual contacts. In this part we will focus on using the publisher and content stream to post and comment on status messages. We’ll look at sending a private message (which we call a “conversation”) in %{part_link}.